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Microsoft office 2010 standard configures each time you start free download

Super User is a question and answer site for computer enthusiasts and power users. It only takes a minute to sign up. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. I’ve just installed Office Professional Plus upgrading from Office It works fine under my admin account, but when I login with my wifes non-admin account, every time I microsoft office 2010 standard configures each time you start free download a document or start an microsoft office 2010 standard configures each time you start free download Word, Excel, Publisher Office goes through its configuration process starting the the standard install dialog and then running the bootstrap process before it loads the app – which wastes minutes.
Once it’s done this, the app runs fine and I can make setting changes that are remembered when it restarts, but I can’t work out why it thinks it needs to configure the app each time. MS Answers recommend the following suggestions:.
Peform a “repair” on your Windows installation and the Office installation although in the context of the linked discussion they were talking about Windows 7, not XP. Re-install Office including hints about how to remove Office completely first.
There are a number of other forums with similar problems. The issue I had seems to be registry related. Others have solved the problem by completely removing previous versions of Office using the Office clean up process and reinstalling. The thread that DMA pointed to contains the full story. In my case, I suspect some registry permissions were not left in a state that Office was expecting e. The solution is available here.
Looking into the Event Viewer after a failed startup gave me a list of events for the MsiInstaller. Messages and gave specifics about which registry keys were causing the problem. In the cases listed, it seems to be to do with the permissions on the various file type keys e. Giving non-admin users read access to these keys, sub-keys and values and ensuring that they are жмите by an Administrator fixed the problem.
Note: The real answer is to rebuild the box and reinstall the OS too. Too many interactions between Office and Windows registry components. I know this is an old post but I had the configuration issue for days and did not find an answer that worked for me so I would like to offer my experience in case there is someone like me looking for an answer.
I installed office pro and visio pro on a new 64 bit windows 7 system. It was all working fine for a few weeks.
I installed it and kept since did not include Visio and I use it a lot. Not long after I noticed the issue with configuration running every time Visio and only Visio started. Annoying as heck because it would run even if I had one instance running already and opened another with a different drawing! After days looking /34082.txt an answer I decided it had something to do with the Adobe add-ins running on Visio.
Solution – uninstalled both visio and adobe. Reinstalled Adobe first and got updates had to reset system clock to Oct 1, to get updates!? I have the similar problem, read and tried all sort of recommendations, none of them fix the problem. According to the log, some how you do not have the administrative right even you are logged in as administrator. I finally, fixed it for good: Created shortcuts from the “installed folder” and send to the Desktop.
Just go to the program folder and create new shortcuts for winword. These shortcuts will run the program without any problem. You can then use these shortcuts to replace all other existing shortcuts to those programs in your start menu and other places, although navisworks manage free trial autodesk 2019 might not even be necessary if you’re lucky. Sign up to join this community. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top.
Stack Overflow for Teams — Start collaborating and sharing organizational knowledge. Create a free Team Why Teams? Learn more about Teams. Office always reconfiguring itself on startup Ask Question. Asked 12 years, 3 months ago. Modified 7 years, 3 months ago.
Viewed 35k times. Any thoughts? Improve this question. Rhys Gibson. Rhys Gibson Rhys Gibson 4, 3 3 gold badges 41 41 silver badges 45 45 bronze badges. Maybe just once! Might be they need to do something that doesn’t stick, and by allowing it to be an admin for one run could get the final config stages finalised?
I agree with DMA – It’s probably a permissions issue on her account that can’t write to the appropriate system folder or registry entry. Перейти на страницу related to this. I switched her account over and it works fine. But when I switch it back to non-admin, I get the same behaviour back again.
Tried it on another account with the same outcome. Process Explorer shows посмотреть больше that it is installing components and running the. NET 3. Add a comment. Sorted by: Reset to default.
Highest score default Date modified newest first Date created oldest first. OK, have had a little bit of a hunt MS Answers recommend the following suggestions: Peform a “repair” on your Windows installation and the Office installation although in the context of the linked discussion they were talking about Windows 7, not XP. Check you don’t have multiple version of Office installed.
Improve this answer. Still no joy. The clean ups definitely removed a bunch of stuff and I did a bit of a registry massacre looking for references to old Office versions, but with no luck. This link: social. Monitoring the event viewer and looking for events and from MsiInstaller gives specifics about the registry keys microsoft office 2010 standard configures each time you start free download are causing the problem.
Rhys since you’ve found a precise answer, you can add that information as a separate answer to your own question, and then tick it off as correct. This will make it easier for others with the same problem to find the solution in the future. Restarted and then reinstalled Visio. Microsoft office 2010 standard configures each time you start free download working beautifully : Hope this helps someone!
Margomania Margomania access online templates free download 1 1 bronze badge. Enjoy it, no more reconfiguration again. Dave Click Properties. On the Compatibility tab run Compatibility Troubleshooter. Then apply the fix. I say Reinstate Monica Zek Zek 11 1 1 bronze badge. Welcome to Super User! Can you be more specific about how to “run the Compatibility Troubleshooter? Fixed this problem It is dangerous to mess around with permissions like that, unless you know exactly what you are doing.
The administrator account is all-powerful in Windows, if something subverts any of those programs, you’d be thoroughly 0wn3d or whatever ‘leet speak is in use for that nowadays. Sign up or log in Sign up using Google. Sign up using Facebook. Sign up using Email and Password. Post as a guest Name. Email Required, but адрес shown. Not the answer you’re looking for? Browse other questions tagged windows-xp installation upgrade microsoft-office or ask your own question.
The Overflow Blog. How to make time for learning in tech sponsored post. Ready to optimize your Microsoft office 2010 standard configures each time you start free download with Rust? Help us identify new roles for community members.
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Office goes through an installation and Configuration sequence – Microsoft Community
Click Start, point to All Programs, and then point to Microsoft Office. 2. Press and hold the CTRL key, and then click the Office program you. Every time I start one of the office programs from the All programs menu, a window opens that says “Please wait while Windows.
Microsoft office 2010 standard configures each time you start free download
Click Start, point to All Programs, and then point to Microsoft Office. 2. Press and hold the CTRL key, and then click the Office program you. Every time I start one of the office programs from the All programs menu, a window opens that says “Please wait while Windows.
Microsoft Office Professional Plus configures each time you start.windows xp – Office always reconfiguring itself on startup – Super User
Starts Windows Installer. After about 30 seconds, the program starts and runs OK. It is affecting the whole suite of MS Office Previously, office was running perfectly. I have tried:. Nothing has worked so far. Odd thing is, if I start Word by double clicking on Winword. However, that does not work for Outlook. I am running Windows 7 32 bit, fully patched. Office is 32 bit. Any help would be appreciated.
Using Regedit to locate the key for. Open the Permissions window, and click on the “Advanced” button. Then select the “Owner” tab, and set the owner as “Adminstrators”. Click Apply and OK. You should now see a number of sub keys. For each sub key , right click on it to select Permissions. Click on the “Advanced” button, and then the “Owner” tab, and set the owner as “Administrators”, and click Apply and OK.
On the security tab, click on the Add button. Click Apply and OK, and you should then see other users added.
I then found that not only Outlook would run without the configuration loop, but all other applications in the Office suite also ran properly using all the proper shortcuts in All Programs. Many thanks for your reply. Unfortunately, the reg key you suggested didn’t solve the problem.
I have now installed Office in a completely different computer as my licence allows , and I am getting exactly the same problem, so it does not seem to be computer specific. Any other suggestions would be appreciated. Please remember that I have the problem with all applications in Office, not just Word. Latest: I have also noticed that all file associations for Office files are broken, which is odd.
Manually setting them does not overcome the original problem of the Configuration process Windows Installer running every time I start any of the Office applications. For some reason got a huge problem now with start-up – long delay. This fixes the problem keys identified in Event Viewer but other problems will likely still exist.
Check other extensions under Classes like. Mine didn’t have an owner so a warning was displayed to communicate the risk. I added Admins group as the owner then did a remove and install of Office and it is now working. And that is how I fixed mine after many days of annoying “configure” messages. The best approach is to check the event handler I looked that the administrative events but there are other options. It will tell you the source of the problem, i.
In my case I did not install Outlook , it was. I added the permissions I actually had to add different users under the security tab and did not even had to reboot. After trying many different things I got my Office fixed. My problem was similar to Macflash but a bunch of different registry keys.
I didn’t realize it at the time, but I think the registry had other issues, as some other programs were acting a little funky. This is a fresh install of Windows 7 Ultimate bit. It turns out that the Administrators group didn’t have permissions to a bunch of registry keys.
This was causing the office issue as well as some other issues. I’m not sure how this happened, as this was a fresh install last week. I noticed after I rebooted that only my admin account had permissions on the machine. So I had to go back into Users. Add my User accounts to the Users Group. The accounts were still there, they just weren’t associated to groups in this pc.
I wonder how that happened. YAY it worked for me and I didn’t had to reboot. Your solution finally fixed the issue after so many hours of frustration. I too have the same issue with Office but only on launching Outlook.
No errors in the event log but I’ve tried all the above and still have the same issue. Method 1 If you have a previous version of Office installed, such as Office or Office , follow these steps:. It has been affecting all users of the machine. I have tried every suggestion under the sun, and finally found one that worked for me. My problem was caused by a corrupted installation of Windows Search 4. When I uninstalled Windows Search 4.
I ended up re-installing Windows Search 4. The users needed to be able to search through there Outlook email via the indexing that Windows Search 4. Then I rebooted”. I tried this and now I am having problems with multiple programs on my computer. I tried to do a restore but that program isnt working as well.
Any suggestions? It Worked. Thanks Mogulman1. For the last 72 hours I tried several installing, uninstalling and reinstalling and tried all sorts of regedits etc. All your office tools will work without that boring screen again :. I have now tried all these, but still have the problem in Excel and Access. Do anyone have an idea where the problem is? Thanks, mogulman1. This worked like a charm. If anyone tries this, remember you need to insert spaces in the right places.
It is not very clear from the message where they are. Below I have inserted underscore at each place where you need to insert a space. Change the setup. This worked perfectly. No need to edit registry or folder permissions, which is NEVER a good thing to do when any other alternative is out there to try.
The reboots are required because that’s what MS wants it to do after modifying Windows Search. This whole process took less than 10 minutes to complete. Office Office Exchange Server. Not an IT pro? Sign in. United States English. Ask a question. Quick access. Search related threads. Remove From My Forums.
Answered by:. Archived Forums. Office – Planning, Deployment, and Compatibility. This IT Professional forum is specific to the Office version. Sign in to vote. Friday, August 6, PM. This is how I fixed it: Using Regedit to locate the key for. Close Regedit, and Run Outlook, the Configuration process will run. Then close Outlook. Repeat the above for all sub keys.