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Quick Links. See also: Operator’s Manual. Table of Contents. This Arctic Cat Service Manual contains service, maintenance, and troubleshooting information for certain Arctic Cat ATV models see cover. The complete manual is designed to aid service personnel in service-oriented. Arctic Cat offers additional publications when they become available to aid in servicing other ATV models. This manual is divided into sections. Each section covers a specific ATV component or system and, in addition to.
When using this. The service technician should become familiar with the operation and construction of each component or system. This manual will assist the service technician in becoming more aware. Such efficiency not only helps build consumer confidence but also saves. The symbol! Be sure to follow the directive because it deals with the possibility of severe personal injury or even death.
Follow the directive because it. The symbol. At the time of publication, all information, photographs, and illustrations were technically correct. Some photo-. Because Arctic Cat Inc. All materials and specifications are subject to change without notice. Keep this manual accessible in the shop area for reference. Previous Page. Next Page. Click on blue text to go. Page 4 2. Page 7 7 Marked Bolt in. Only Arctic Cat approved gaso- ft-lb line additives should be used. Manual Section Back Next Page 8 Also, not recom- mended are racing, vegetable, non-detergent, and cas- tor-based oils.
Page 9 Check the spark plug s. Clean or replace as nec- essary. Taking the ATV out of storage and correctly preparing it will assure many miles and hours of trouble-free rid- ing. Arctic Cat recommends the following procedure to prepare the ATV.
Manual Section Arctic Cat ATV. KXA 2. Replace any drain that is cracked or shows any 6. Failure to measure the valve clearance accurately could cause valve component damage.
Page 16 3. Remove the spark plug s ; then attach the high tension lead s to the plug s and ground the plug s on the cylinder head s well away from the spark plug hole s. Attach the Compression Tester Kit. Using a suitable brush, clean the carbon deposits from the screen taking care not to damage the screen. Install the spark arrester assembly with gasket; then secure with the three cap screws. Page 18 7. Install the engine drain plug and tighten to 16 ft-lb.
Pour the specified amount of the recommended oil in the filler hole. When replacing a headlight bulb, do not touch the glass portion of the bulb. If the glass is touched, it must be cleaned with a dry cloth before installing. Page 21 7. Adjust each headlight by turning the adjuster knob 2. With the ignition switch in the ON position, loosen clockwise to raise the beam or counterclockwise to jam nut A left-hand threads ; then loosen jam lower the beam. If low, refill the reservoir before the bleeding proce- dure is continued.
Failure to maintain a sufficient amount of fluid in the reservoir will result in air in the system. To replace the brake pads, use the following proce- low, refill the reservoir before the bleeding proce- dure.
Page 24 3. Remove the nut securing the movable drive face; then remove the face. Account for the flat washer Burnishing Brake Pads and spacer. Place the V-belt into position on the driven pulley 3. Rotate the V-belt and clutches until the V-belt is and over the front shaft. Page 27 max 0. Valve clearance out of adjustment 1. Adjust clearance 2. Valve guides worn 2.
Repair – replace guides 3. Valves mistimed 3. Retime engine 4. Main bearing worn – burned 1. Replace bearing 2. Lower rod-end bearing worn – burned 2.
Replace crankshaft assembly 3. Connecting rod side clearance too large 3. Replace crankshaft assembly Problem: Engine noisy Noise seems to come from transmission Condition Remedy Page 31 Problem: Engine lacks power Condition Remedy 1.
Valve clearance incorrect 1. Valve springs weak 2. Replace springs 3. Valve timing incorrect 3. Re-time valve gear 4. Piston ring s – cylinder worn 4. Replace – service rings – cylinder 5. Page 32 2. Remove the heat shield; then remove the gas tank see Section 4. Table of Contents 3. Remove the oil fittings from the engine and account for two O-rings; then disconnect the oil temperature connector and cooling fan connector.
Page 33 6. Remove the cap screws securing the exhaust pipe to the cylinder head; then disconnect the exhaust pipe to muffler springs and remove the exhaust pipe.
Account for a grafoil seal and seal ring. Remove the inlet air duct, air filter housing, and air silencer duct; Page 34 KC Page 35 2. Remove the valve cover cap screws. Note the rub- ber washers on the four top-side cap screws; remove the valve cover. Note the orientation of the cylinder head plug and remove it.
Note the loca- tion of the two alignment pins. MD 5. Page 36 MD CD 7. Noting the timing marks for installing purposes,
Arctic cat 400 manual download. Arctic Cat 400 Operator’s Manual
Hide thumbs Also See for : Service manual pagesManual pagesOwner’s manual 80 pages. Table Of Contents. Quick Links. See also: Service ManualOwner’s Manual. Table of Contents. Operating this ATV if you are under. Previous Page. Next Page. Consumer Product Safety Commission. Operating this ATV if you are under Read this manual carefully. Page 3: Foreword All information in this manual is based on the latest product data and specifica- Speed tions available at the time of printing.
Page 5: Division I – Safety Do not turn at excessive speed. Practice on smaller hills before attempting larger hills. Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not! Page 11 Warnings!
In many states it is illegal to operate an ATV on public streets, roads, or highways. Page 12 Warnings! Could arxtic you to react more slowly.
Could affect cownload balance and perception. Could result in an accident. Page 13 Warnings! If you remove a foot manuao a foot- arctic cat 400 manual download, your foot or leg may arctic cat 400 manual download into contact with the wheels, which could injure you or cause an как сообщается здесь. Page 14 Warnings! Page 15 Warnings! Page 16 Warnings!
Could cause the ATV to overturn. Never attempt to ride over large obstacles, such as large rocks or fallen trees. Page 17 Arctic cat 400 manual download modify the ATV /15727.txt improper installation or improper use of accessories. Page Condition Of The Atv Prevention Eye Protection Wear eye protection, such as goggles, to completely surround your eyes to prevent getting dirt or other items in your eyes.
Do not depend on sunglasses for proper eye protection. Brakes 4. For example, when you drive a car quickly into a sharp turn, your body is pulled to the outside of the vehicle by centrifugal force.
You are arcic invincible. Do you consider yourself to be pretty Night Riding Riding at night can be very hazardous. Obstacles and other hazards that are eas- ily identified during daytime are much more difficult to see and avoid. Drowsiness and Where excessive or high speed is a fac- impaired judgment can be caused by a tor, the potential for personal injury is wide variety of medications.
The same is greatly increased. Page Supervision ATV. It can be dangerous the appropriate-sized ATV according to especially for underaged children — Starter Button Engine Stop Switch Gas Tank Valve Turn off all electrical accessories hand warmer, lights, etc. Page Starting A Cold Engine ! Never substitute or mix differ- ent types or grades of brake fluid. After the ATV stops, shift into neu- tral.
To shift downpoad ATV, follow these steps: 2. Stop the engine using the engine stop switch. Turn off the ignition. If you have to park on a hill, shift the ATV into arctic cat 400 manual download gear; Keep your feet on the footrests and both hands on the handlebar. Hold the brake lever, and release the brake lever lock. Shift into gear. ATV 4. You might have to lean into the turn more than you do in a wide turn. To make your turn quicker, try rais- 1.
Stop where you are, apply the ing yourself off the seat a few inches brakes, and shift to neutral. Shut off the engine. K-Turns 3. Shift down and accelerate before you start climbing; then maintain a steady pace. Lean as far forward as possible. For steeper hills, на этой странице off your seat to stand and lean forward. If you lose speed, quickly shift to low range.
The difference is that cattle feeder free not, try to avoid this kind of riding. Keep your body loose to absorb any shock. Crossing obstacles is risky; avoid it if possible. Riding over logs, rocks, and 8. If the ATV starts tipping, shift your ruts means combining all the active rid- weight to keep it downloaad balance.
Move forward on the seat. Lean to inside of turn. Turn handlebar. Physically check the depth and cur Page General Information These numbers are required by the dealer powered by the battery at all times. Arctic cat 400 manual download Shift Lever 3. Attempt to push the ATV. Drive Select Switch CF Pressing the arctic cat 400 manual download foot brake downward will apply the maual to the rear wheels. Page 46 8. Gear Position Indicator – Indicates which gear position is selected. The pressure may bend Arctic Cat does not хотел fcp download for windows писанина using a pressure washer to clean the B.
Press and release the Set Button radiator core. The pressure may Page Primer – Cold Start Page Electric Fuel Pump There is an oil level stick for checking the engine oil level. To check the oil! Gasoline is highly level ground when checking archic flammable and could ignite. Never tow a trailer without a rigid tongue and never exceed 10 mph.
Do not make 5. Page Oil Arctic cat 400 manual download The cooling system should be inspected daily for leakage and damage. Also, the coolant level should be checked periodically. Doownload the radiator access panel; NOTE: Before attempting then remove the radiator cap and add adjust suspension, clean dirt and coolant as necessary until coolant is debris from the sleeve and remove visible in the fill tank.
Page 56 Inspect the oil for any signs of metal Turn the engine off and wait approx- filings or water. If found, take the imately one minute. Inspect the area around arctic cat 400 manual download drain 5. Brake Hoses Arctic cat 400 manual download inspect the hydraulic brake hoses for cracks or other damage.
Protective Rubber Boots The arctic cat 400 manual download boots should be inspected periodically according to the Mainte- nance Schedule. Page Battery 1.
Arctic cat 400 manual download
Remove the tensioner assembly and gasket. MD 6. Using an awl, rotate the C-ring in its groove until it is out of the cylinder head; Page MD MD 8. Remove the cam chain tensioner by lifting it AT THIS POINT from the chain cavity; then remove the two lower nuts securing the cylinder head to the cyl- To service valves and cylinder head, see inder, one in front and one in rear.
Servicing Top-Side Components sub-section. Account for the opposite-side cir- clip. Remove the piston. NOTE: It is advisable to remove the oppo- site-side circlip prior to using the puller. MDA Lift the cylinder off the crankcase taking care not to allow the piston to drop against the crank- case. Page Left-Side Components B. Remove each ring by working it toward the dome of the piston while rotating it out of the groove.
Page CC MD! Page MD 8. Remove the starter idler gear No. Remove two starter motor cap screws. MD 9. Remove the gear shift shaft assembly and MD washer from the left-side crankcase. Note the NOTE: For efficiency, it is preferable to remove and disassemble only those components which need to be addressed and to service only those components. The technician should use discretion MD and sound judgment.
Page 6. Remove the nut holding the driven pulley assembly; then remove the driven pulley assem- bly. MD MD 7. Using an impact screwdriver, remove the three Phillips-head cap screws holding the air intake plate.
Remove the air intake plate. MD 4. Page D. Gear Position Switch E. Centrifugal Clutch Assembly F. Oil Pump Drive Gear G.
Remove the snap ring holding the oil pump driven gear. Remove the cam chain. Remove oil pump driven gear. Account for the pin. NOTE: For efficiency, it is preferable to remove and disassemble only those components which MD need to be addressed and to service only those Remove the reverse idler gear, spacer, and sleeve.
Page MD MD 5. Remove snap ring and gear from the output side 9. Account for snap ring, gear, and washer. Page Servicing Components 2. Using light pressure, move the valve Servicing Components cover in a figure eight motion.
Remove the valve seal and the lower remaining 2. Maximum runout must not exceed specifica- spring seat. Measuring Valve Stem Outside Diameter 1. Using a micrometer, measure the valve stem outside diameter. If a valve guide is out of tolerance, it must be replaced. If a valve guide needs replacing, insert a valve guide remover into the valve seat side of the valve guide.
Insert an exhaust valve seat pilot shaft into an exhaust valve guide. Slide an exhaust valve seat grinding tool onto the pilot shaft; then using light pressure on a driver handle and a deep socket, grind the exhaust valve seat until within specifications. Inspect the piston for cracks in the piston pin, dome, and skirt areas. Repair with grit wet-or-dry sandpaper and water or honing oil.
CCD 2. Insert each valve into its original valve location. Page Removing Piston Rings 1. Starting with the top ring, slide one end of the ring out of the ring-groove. Measure the piston pin outside diameter at each 2. Remove each ring by working it toward the end and in the center. Using light pressure, move the cylinder head in a fig- ure eight motion.
Inspect the sealing surface for any indication of high spots. Page see Honing Cylinder in this sub-section. Inspect the sealing surface for any indi- CCD cation of high spots.
If honing oil is not avail- able, use a lightweight petroleum-based oil. Thor- oughly clean cylinder after honing using soap and hot water. Place a strip of plasti-gauge in each of the cam- NOTE: If the journals are worn, replace the cam- shaft lands in the cylinder head. If it is still out of tolerance, replace the cylinder head. Recoil Starter Assy 2. Reel 3. Spiral Spring BD 4. Ratchet Assy 5.
Ratchet Guide 7. Nut During the disassembly procedure, make sure all 8. Rope Assy 9. Cap Screw spring tension is released before continuing. Page 9. Remove the spiral spring from the case by lift- ing the spring end up and out. Hold the remain- der of the spring with thumbs and alternately release each thumb to allow the spring to gradu- ally release from the case. Apply low-temperature grease to the spring and hub. Thread the end of the rope through the guide hole of the case; then thread the rope through the handle and secure it with a double knot.
Install the protective cover into the handle. Components 2. NOTE: Whenever a part is worn excessively, cracked, damaged in any way, or out of tolerance, replacement is necessary. Install the pilot bushing with the machined end! The spring assembly is under pressure. Extreme care must be taken when relaxing the spring.
Always wear safety glasses. Use proper tools only. Page 8. Release the preload slowly; then continue to relax the spring until the wing nut is flush with the end of the threads. Firmly holding the spring and spring holder, remove the wing nut; then remove the spring. CD Inspecting 1. Page Assembling 4. Install the movable face sleeve aligning the hole in the spring seat with the spring anchor hole in 1. Place the fixed face of the driven pulley on the the movable face. Compress the spring until the spring holder joint must be secured to the front shaft or false nears the threads on the fixed face hub; Page NOTE: Continue to remove, measure, and install until backlash measurement is within tolerance.
Note the following chart. Backlash Measurement Shim Correction Under 0. Decrease Shim Thickness At 0. Over 0. Reverse Driven Gear Dog 7. Bushing 2. Reverse Driven Gear 8. High Driven Gear 3. Balancer Shaft 2. Washer 3. Driven Gear 1 4. Spring on the right-side crankcase half. Key 7. Apply a liberal amount of oil to the crankshaft bearing.
Using a propane torch, heat the bearing until the oil begins to smoke; then slide the crankshaft assembly into place. MD 7. Align the inner shift fork with the gear cluster and with the inner washer in place, install the gear cluster and inner shift fork.
Page Joining Crankcase Halves Install the secondary and primary driveshaft assemblies. Account for the bearing alignment C-ring on the bearing boss next to the pinion gear. NOTE: Align the bearing alignment pin on the secondary output shaft. Install the input driveshaft. MD Joining Crankcase Halves Place the oil strainer and new O-ring into posi- tion beneath the crankcase.
Tighten the Phil- lips-head screws coated with red Loctite securely. From the left side, install the remaining crank- case cap screws; Page MD MD 4. Place the pin into position on the oil pump shaft, install the oil pump driven gear making sure the recessed side of the gear is directed inward, and secure with a new snap ring. NOTE: Always use a new snap ring when install- ing the oil pump driven gear. Page MD Install gear position indicator switch making MD sure the O-ring is well-oiled and properly posi- Install the air intake plate.
Apply red Loctite tioned. Tighten cap screws securely. MD MD B. Making sure the eight movable drive face rollers are in position, pinch the V-belt together near its center and slide the spacer and movable drive face onto the shaft. Coat the threads of the nut with red Loctite and secure the movable drive face. Starter Idler Gears B.
Place the crankshaft bearing retainer into posi- tion. Apply red Loctite to the three Phil- lips-head screws. Install and tighten the three Phillips-head screws securely.
MD 5. Install the cam stopper assembly. Page Installing Top-Side Components 9. Install two alignment pins and place the left-side cover gasket into position. Install the left-side Installing Top-Side cover. Noting the different-lengthed 6 mm cap Components screws, the position of the shifter bracket, and the location of the long cap screw with the washer, tighten cap screws only until snug.
Page 5. While keeping tension on the cam chain, place 7. Install the four cylinder head cap screws with the front cam chain guide into the cylinder. Note that the two cap screws on the right side of the cylinder head nearest the cam sprocket are longer than the two cap screws on! Page NOTE: At this point, oil the camshaft bearings, cam lobes, and the three seating journals on the cylinder.
NOTE: Note the position of the alignment marks on the end of the camshaft. They must be parallel with the valve cover mating surface. If rotating the camshaft is necessary for alignment, do not allow the chain and sprocket to rotate and be sure the cam lobes end up in the down position. Depress the spring-loaded lock and push the plunger into the tensioner. Rotate the crankshaft until the second cap screw securing the sprocket to the camshaft can be MD installed; then install the cap screw threads coated with red Loctite While holding the valve adjuster dial in place, use the valve adjuster handle and loosen the jam nut; then rotate the tappet adjuster screw clockwise until friction is felt.
Loosen the adjuster screw jam nuts; then loosen the adjuster screws on the rocker arms in the valve cover. CD 5. Secure the upper engine mounts to the frame 2. Connect the gear position indicator connector A , stator connector B , and the CDI connector C to the main wiring harness. CFA 9.
Install the cooling ducts with clamps and tighten the clamps securely. CDA Connect the temperature sensor leads to the main wiring harness. Page CD CD Connect the hose to the fuel pump; then connect the vacuum hose and secure with hose clamps. CD Secure the shift rod to the engine with a new E-clip. Place the storage compartment into position; then install the reinstallable rivets. Page Table of Contents! Care must be taken whenever handling a battery.
Remove the radiator access cover, steering post Top-Side Components Remove vacuum hose fuel-pump-to-carburetor hose. Remove the clamp securing the cooling duct boot to the V-belt housing; then remove the CDA cooling duct boot from the V-belt housing out- 9.
Loosen the clamp securing the air intake duct to let. Secure the carburetor assembly up and away Remove the two coolant hoses from the engine; from the engine. Remove the E-clip securing the shift rod to the On the right-side, disconnect the gear position Remove the cap screw and flange nut securing indicator connector A , stator connector B , the upper engine bracket to the engine; then and the CDI connector C.
CDA CD Remove the two engine mounting through-bolts. Account for a washer and a spacer on the bolts. Remove the block from under the engine and lower the engine; then remove the boot clamp CD from the front output drive yoke. Top-Side Components 2. Remove the 12 cap screws securing the valve cover to the head; account for the four rubber washers on the top side cap screws.
Loosen the cap screw on the end of the ten- 6. Remove the cap screw securing the chain ten- sioner; then remove the two Allen-head cap sioner account for a washer ; then remove the screws securing the tensioner adjuster assembly tensioner. Cylinder CCD D. Account for the oppo- site-side circlip. Page NOTE: Inspect the inside of the left-side cover for any shaft washers that may have come off with the cover. Make sure they are returned to their respective shafts and that the starter idler gear spacer is on the shaft or in the cover.
CC 6. Failure to do so could result in To service the magneto assembly, see Section 5. Page Removing Right-Side Components 4. Remove the nut securing the fixed driven assembly; then remove the assembly. Removing Right-Side Components A. V-Belt Cover B. Driven Pulley C.
Clutch Cover 1. Remove the cap screws securing the V-belt cover noting the location of the differ- ent-lengthed cap screws for installing purposes; Care must be taken when removing the cover so the cover gasket is not damaged. Account for a washer. NOTE: The washer is also directional. The flat side of the washer must face toward the clutch assembly when installing. Remove the left-side cap screws securing the crankcase halves.
Note the location of the differ- ent-lengthed cap screws. Secondary Driven Shaft Assembly B. Crank Balancer Assembly C. Crankshaft D. Countershaft Assembly E. Driveshaft F. Reverse Idler Gear Assembly G. Gear Shift Shaft H.
Page CC CD 5. Remove the countershaft assembly D. Account 8. Remove the crank balancer. NOTE: There is a flat spot on the crank balancer bearing flange to allow clearance past the crank- shaft. Page Servicing Components 1. Wash the valve cover in parts-cleaning solvent.
Page ! Always check camshaft clearance when resurfacing the valve cover. Remove the valve springs; then invert the cylin- der head and remove the valves. Acceptable width range must be within specifi- 3. Push the valve from side to side; then from top cations. Measuring Valve Face Radial 4. Measuring Valve Guide 1. Install the valve springs with the painted end of CCD the spring facing away from the cylinder head.
Page 1. Place each compression ring in the wear portion 3. Use the piston to position each Repair with grit wet-or-dry sandpaper and ring squarely in the cylinder. Cylinder Clearance 2. On the , install the compression rings 1 and 1. Place the cylinder head on the surface plate cov- 1. Using light pressure, move the cylinder head in a fig- 2. Inspect the cylinder for pitting, scoring, scuff- ure eight motion. The lobe heights must not exceed minimum 5.
Match the width of the plasti-gauge with the specifications. Journal 1. WARNING During the disassembly procedure, continuous downward pressure must be exerted on the reel so it does not accidentally disengage and cause injury. Rotate the reel counterclockwise until the notch of the reel is near the rope guide in the case.
Guide the rope into the notch and slowly allow the reel to retract until all spiral spring tension is released. Inspect the clutch shoes for uneven wear, chips, Install the pilot bushing with the machined end directed down; Page NOTE: Make sure the spacer is on the base or damage to the fixed face will occur when the spring is compressed.
Inspect the pulley faces for wear, galling, or CD grooving. Apply multi-purpose grease to the O-rings and grease seals on the movable face; Page CF CD 5.
Install the spring over the hub and movable face 8. Compress the spring until the spring holder sleeve; then insert the end of the spring through nears the threads on the fixed face hub; then the sleeve and into the spring anchor hole in the using the handle, wind the spring holder coun- movable face.
Increase Shim cracked, damaged in any way, or out of tolerance, Thickness replacement is necessary. Maximum diameter must exceed specifications.
Place the crankshaft on a set of V-blocks and 1. Using a calipers, measure the width of the con- necting rod at the big-end bearing. Measuring Crankshaft Runout 1. Place the crankshaft on a set of V blocks. ATV 2. Page Assembling Crankcase Half Assembling 1. Washer – Drive Gear R 2. Drive Gear 2 3.
Circlip 4. Reverse Gear Dog 5. Spacer 6. Washer 7. Bushing 8. Bearing 9. Reverse Driven Gear Lock Washer Countershaft Low Driven Gear Page NOTE: It will be necessary to rotate the crank balancer until the counterweight is facing away from the crankshaft; then rotate the crankshaft clockwise into the journal area to allow the crank balancer to be fully seated.
Place the key into the crank balancer keyway; then install the crank balancer gear making sure the alignment dots on the crank balancer gear and the crankshaft gear align. Page Joining Crankcase Halves 9. Insert the two shift forks into the sliding dogs noting the direction of the tabs from disassem- bling; then install the shift fork shaft. NOTE: Make sure the shift fork tabs face upward and that they are properly seated into the shift cams.
Page 7. From the left side, install the eight case half 6 mm cap screws; then tighten only until snug. NOTE: Rotate the shafts back and forth to ensure no binding or sticking occurs. From the right side, install the 6 mm cap screws; then tighten only until snug. Installing Right-Side Components 1. Install the clutch cover alignment pins into the drive and driven gears will be flush with each crankcase, apply oil to the cover gasket, and install the gasket onto the crankcase.
Page CD CC Place the V-belt into position on the driven pul- ley and over the front shaft. Place the driven pulley assembly into position and secure with the nut. Tighten to specifica- CC tions. Install the magneto cover and secure with the Install the crossover tube on the water pump and cap screws. Place the starter cup into position on the crank- shaft making sure a new, lubricated O-ring is inside the cup.
On the Installing Top-Side H1, the ring with the orientation mark MTOP Components should be installed in the second middle groove and the ring with the orientation mark M should be installed in the first top groove. Place the two alignment pins into position. Place the cylinder gasket into position; then place a piston holder or suitable substitute beneath the piston skirt and square the piston in respect to the crankcase. CCD 5.
Install the coolant hose onto the crankcase union and tighten the clamp. Place the head gasket into position on the cylin- 9. Loosely install the five cylinder head nuts. Place the alignment pins into position; then place the head assembly into position on the cyl- In a crisscross pattern, tighten the four cylinder head cap screws from step 8 to 3.
Page B. Camshaft lobes directed down toward the piston. Camshaft alignment marks parallel to the valve cover mating surface. Recessed side of the sprocket directed toward the cam lobes. Camshaft alignment pin and sprocket align- ment hole smallest are aligned. Rotate the crankshaft until the second cap screw Install the cylinder head plug in the cylinder securing the sprocket to the camshaft can be head with the open end facing downward and installed; then install the cap screw threads toward the inside.
Using a flat-blade screwdriver, rotate the Turn the engine over until the piston reaches top dead center on the compression stroke. Place the valve adjuster onto the jam nut NOTE: Arctic Cat recommends that new gaskets securing the tappet adjuster screw; then rotate and O-rings be installed whenever servicing the the valve adjuster dial clockwise until the end ATV.
Page CD CD 5. Secure the upper engine mounts to the frame with the cap screws. Install two engine mounting through-bolts, two bushings, and two washers; then tighten the through-bolt flange nuts to specifications. Tighten the upper engine mount cap screws from step 5 to specifications. CD CDA Connect the temperature sensor wire to the main wiring harness. Secure the wires to the frame with nylon ties.
Place the left-side footwell and foot peg in posi- tion on the frame; then secure with existing hardware. Place the side panels into position; then install the reinstallable rivets.
Place the battery into position in the battery compartment; Removing Engine Transmission Remove the E-clip securing the shift rod to the engine shift arm; then allow the shift rod to CDA swing forward and hang straight down from the 9. Remove the cap screws securing the left-side shift lever.
Remove the clamp securing the upper coolant Remove the clamp securing the lower coolant hose to the thermostat housing; then disconnect hose to the water pump housing; then disconnect the hose. Upper: Two cap screws bracket to frame and one cap screw and nut topside of the engine. Raise the rear of the engine enough to allow the rear output flange to clear the output flange joint. Page Top-Side Components Top-Side Components NOTE: For efficiency, it is preferable to remove and disassemble only those components which need to be addressed and to service only those components.
Remove the valve cover. Account for and note the orienta- tion of the cylinder head plug. Note the location of two alignment pins. Remove the cap screw securing the chain ten- sioner account for a washer ; then remove the tensioner. CCD 8. Remove the cam chain guide. Remove the flange nut securing the starter cup 4. Remove the inside circlip. Place the air cleaner cover into position and secure with the retaining clips.
ALD 7. Install the seat making sure the seat is properly secured. Remove the timing inspection plug; then remove the tappet covers for more detailed information, see Section 3 – Servicing Top-Side Components.
Rotate the crankshaft to the TDC position on the compression stroke. NOTE: At this point, the rocker arms and adjuster screws must not have pressure on them.
If clearance is not within specifications, loosen the jam nut and rotate the tappet adjuster screw until the clearance is within specifications. Tighten each jam nut securely after completing the adjustment. KEY 1. Clamp 2. Boot 3. Clamp 4. Housing 5. Clip 6. Gasket 7. Snorkel 8. Clamp 9. Machine Screw Expansion Nut Vent Hose Filter Heat Shield Drain Cap CAUTION The feeler gauge must be positioned at the same angle as the valve and valve adjuster for an accurate measurement of clearance.
Failure to measure the valve clearance accurately could cause valve component damage. Install the timing inspection plug. Place the two tappet covers into position making sure the proper cap screws are with the proper cover. Tighten the cap screws securely. Place the valve adjuster onto the jam nut securing the tappet adjuster screw; then rotate the valve adjuster dial clockwise until the end is seated in the tappet adjuster screw.
While holding the valve adjuster dial in place, use the valve adjuster handle and loosen the jam nut; then rotate the tappet adjuster screw clockwise until friction is felt. Align the valve adjuster handle with one of the marks on the valve adjuster dial.
While holding the adjuster dial at the proper clear- ance setting, tighten the jam nut securely with the valve adjuster handle. Place the two tappet covers with O-rings into posi- tion; then tighten the covers securely.
Exhaust 0. Install the spark plug; then install the timing inspection plug. Remove the high tension lead from the spark plug. Using compressed air, blow any debris from around the spark plug. Remove the spark plug; then attach the high ten- sion lead to the plug and ground the plug on the cylinder head well away from the spark plug hole.
NOTE: The engine must be warm and the battery must be fully charged for this test. While holding the throttle lever in the full-open position, crank the engine over with the electric starter until the gauge shows a peak reading five to 10 compression strokes.
If compression is abnormally low, inspect the following items. Verify starter cranks engine over. Gauge is functioning properly. Throttle lever in the full-open position. Valve bent or burned. Valve seat burned. Pour If compression is now evident, service the piston rings see Section 3. Spark Plug A light brown insulator indicates that the plug is cor- rect. A white or dark insulator indicates that the engine may need to be serviced or the carburetor may need to be adjusted.
To maintain a hot, strong spark, keep the plug free of carbon. Use a feeler gauge to check the gap. ATVB When installing the spark plug, be sure to tighten it securely. At the intervals shown in the Periodic Maintenance Chart, clean the spark arrester using the following procedure.
Shift the transmission into neutral and set the brake lever lock. Elevate the front of the ATV on a safety stand until the muffler is horizontal. Remove the plug from the bottom of the muffler. ANA 4. Stop the engine.
Wait until the muffler cools; then install the plug and tighten securely. Remove the nuts securing the spark arrester; then remove the arrester. ANA 2. Using a wire brush, remove carbon deposits from the arrester taking care not to damage the screen. Dirt could enter engine when removing or installing the spark plug.
Check the arrester screen for holes or tears, and check the condition of the gasket. Replace compo- nents as necessary. Install the spark arrester and nuts; tighten nuts to 1. Damage from aging may not always be visible. Do not bend or obstruct the routing of the carburetor vent hose.
Make certain that the vent hose is securely connected to the carburetor and the opposite end is always open. Adjusting Throttle Cable To adjust the throttle cable free-play, follow this pro- cedure. Slide the rubber boot away; then loosen the jam nut from the throttle cable adjuster. ALD 2. ATV 3. Tighten the jam nut against the throttle cable adjuster securely; then slide the rubber boot over the adjuster.
To adjust idle RPM, use the following proce- dure. With the transmission in neutral, start the engine and warm it up to normal operating temperature.
Turn the idle adjustment screw clockwise one turn past the recommended RPM setting; then turn it counterclockwise to the correct RPM setting. The engine should always be warm when the oil is changed so the oil will drain easily and com- pletely. Park the ATV on level ground. Remove the oil filler plug. Remove both drain plugs from the bottom of the engine and drain the oil into a drain pan. Remove the nuts securing the filter cover. Remove the filter cover; then pull out the oil filter element and properly discard.
Remove and prop- erly discard the O-ring from the filter cover. NOTE: Clean up any excess oil after removing the filter. Apply oil to a new cover O-ring and check to make sure it is positioned correctly in the cover.
With the open end of the filter element directed toward the center of the engine, slide the element into position. Make sure the engine is at normal operating temperature before adjusting the idle RPM. Place the filter cover in position and secure with the nuts.
Tighten securely. Install the engine drain plugs and tighten to 2. Pour 3. Start the engine while the ATV is outside on level ground and allow it to idle for a few minutes. Turn the engine off and wait approximately one minute. Recheck the oil level in the engine oil inspection window.
The oil level should be visible through the window. If oil is not visible, add rec- ommended oil until the oil level is visible between the lines of the window. ATV Inspect the area around the drain plug and oil filter for leaks. Remove the skid plate. Remove the Phillips-head cap screws securing the oil strainer cap; then remove the cap.
Note the directional arrow on the cap for assembly pur- poses. CCDA 3. Remove the Phillips-head screws securing the strainer; then remove the strainer. Place the oil strainer into position and secure with the Phillips-head screws. Engine Oil Pump 2. Driven Gear 3. Pin 4. Circlip 5. Strainer 7. Cap Screw 8. Cap 9. O-Ring Gasket Filter O-Ring Cap Check Plug Cap O-Ring Stud Bolt Place the strainer cap into position on the crank- case; then secure with the Phillips-head cap screws coated with red Loctite CCDA 6.
Install the skid plate. Remove the drain plug from the bottom of the engine and drain the oil into a drain pan. Remove the oil filter plug from the filter mounting boss located on the front-right side of the trans- mission case and allow the filter to drain com- pletely.
Apply oil to a new filter O-ring and check to make sure it is positioned correctly; then install the new oil filter. Install the oil filter drain plug and tighten securely. Install the engine drain plug and tighten to 2. Unscrew the oil level stick and wipe it with a clean cloth. Install the oil level stick until the threads touch engine case. NOTE: The oil level stick should not be threaded into the case for checking the oil level. Remove the cap screws securing the oil strainer cap; then remove the cap.
Account for the O-ring. CCD 3. Remove the two Phillips-head cap screws securing the strainer. Place the oil strainer into position beneath the crankcase and secure with the Phillips-head cap screws. CCD 5. Place the strainer cap into position on the strainer making sure the O-ring is properly installed; then secure with the cap screws. When changing the lubricant, use approved SAE 80W hypoid gear lube. To check lubricant, use the following procedure.
On FIS models, remove the rear drive filler plug; the lubricant level should be 1 in. If low, add SAE approved 80W hypoid gear lube as necessary. On ACT models, remove the rear drive inspection plug; the lubricant level should be at the threads of the plug. AFA To change the lubricant, use the following procedure. Place the ATV on level ground. Remove each oil filler plug. Drain the oil into a drain pan by removing in turn the drain plug from each.
After all the oil has been drained, install the drain plugs and tighten to 0. Pour the appropriate amount of recommended oil into the filler hole.
Install the filler plugs. Using an impact driver, remove the cover. CHD 2. Loosen the jam nut securing the adjustment screw. Rotate the adjustment screw clockwise until it stops. NOTE: At this point the clutch should be adjusted correctly. Test ride the ATV to ensure accurate adjustment. Secure the cover making sure the O-ring is prop- erly positioned. Using an impact driver, remove the screws secur- ing the cover and remove the cover.
AMD 2. Loosen the jam nuts securing adjustment screw 1 forward and adjustment screw 2 rearward. Rotate adjustment screw 1 counterclockwise until it stops. CCD 4. Rotate adjustment screw 2 alternately clockwise and counterclockwise to ensure free movement without binding; then lock the jam nut securing adjustment screw 2. Test to ensure accurate adjust- ment. Install the cover making sure the O-ring is prop- erly positioned; then secure with the screws. Do not under any circum- stances substitute tires of a different type or size.
A low-pressure gauge is provided in the tool kit to measure the air pressure in the tires. Check the air pressure in all tires before each use of the ATV. Steering Components The following steering components should be inspected periodically to ensure safe and proper opera- tion.
Handlebar grips not worn, broken, or loose. Handlebar not bent, cracked, and has equal and complete full-left and full-right capability. Ball joints not worn, cracked, or damaged. Tie rods not bent or cracked.
Knuckles not worn, cracked, or damaged. Cotter pins not damaged or missing. Always maintain proper tire inflation pressure. Spline lateral movement slop. Rubber coupling cracked, damaged, or worn. Shock absorber rods bent, pitted, or damaged.
Rubber damper cracked, broken, or missing. Shock absorber body damaged, punctured, or leaking. Shock absorber eyelets broken, bent, or cracked. Shock absorber eyelet bushings worn, deter- iorated, cracked, or missing. Shock absorber spring broken or sagging. Make sure riv- ets holding components together are tight.
Care must be taken that all calibrated nuts, bolts, and cap screws are tightened to specifica- tions. For proper torque values, see Section Ignition Timing The ignition timing cannot be adjusted; however, veri- fying ignition timing can aid in troubleshooting other components. To verify engine timing, use the follow- ing procedure.
If ignition timing cannot be verified, the rotor may be damaged, the key may be sheared, the trigger coil bracket may be bent or damaged, or the CDI unit may be faulty. Rotate the ignition switch to the lights position; the headlights and taillight should illu- minate. Test the brakelight by compressing the brake lever. The brakelight should illuminate. NOTE: The bulb portion of the headlight is frag- ile.
When replacing the headlight bulb, do not touch the glass portion of the bulb. If the glass is touched, it must be cleaned with a dry cloth before installing. Skin oil residue on the bulb will shorten the life of the bulb. To replace the headlight bulb, use the following proce- dure. Remove the wiring harness connector from the back of the headlight.
Grasp the bulb housing, turn it counterclockwise, and remove the bulb. Install the new bulb into the housing and rotate it completely clockwise. Install the wiring harness connector. Severe burns may result. This manual can come in the form of a printed paperback book, as a digital file, like a PDF Portable Document Format , or as a downloadable online manual usually at a digital e-book repair manual website. These two factors are very important to note while selecting an ATV manual.
If any of them are neglected, it might cause a problem in the near future. Different manufacturers have different ways of making the parts, so if you get one that wasn’t made by your vehicle’s manufacturer, the guides may not correspond. Whether it is online or offline, it is advisable to get a manual from a trusted source to save yourself from getting a low-quality version.
As a Arctic Cat Alterra owner, having a repair manual will save you a lot of time and money because you won’t have to keep visiting a mechanic every other week to make sure your four-wheeler is in good shape. Instead, you can go about your normal daily activities and be rest assured that you have the answer to any ATV-related question that might come up any time.
Also, the manual contains many safety precautions that can come in handy and protect you from unforeseen circumstances like road accidents and the likes. Having a Arctic Cat Alterra repair manual will also provide you with special skills and methods for operating your vehicle and give you an upper hand generally.
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