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Download Summary:. Total Size: 0. Back Next. Microsoft recommends you install a download manager. Microsoft Download Manager. Manage all your internet downloads with this easy-to-use manager. Use the A key to access the ribbon directly from the keyboard. Each time you press A, Word displays corresponding letters for the ribbon items to help you to continue using keyboard shortcuts to select them.
Along the right side of the screen is the scroll bar used to quickly move vertically within your document. Use the arrows located across the top and bottom of the scrollbar to move up and down.
To move more quickly, drag the small rectangle located within the scroll bar to the desired location up or down. If you zoom to a larger size than can fit horizontally within the window, a horizontal scroll bar will appear across the bottom of the screen. The actual typing area is the large interior portion of the window that the program uses to display its data and special symbols. In Word, this working section is referred to as the Text Area.
Within the text area you should see a small blinking vertical line, referred to as the Insertion Point or cursor. It marks the spot where your next typed character will appear. You should also see an I-beam which indicates where the mouse pointer is located.
As you move the mouse to the Ribbon area at the top of the screen or along the left or right edges of the document, it will change into the shape of an arrow. The arrow is used to point to items within the Ribbon or to select lines of text. Just below and to the left of the vertical scroll bar is the Zoom Area. Notice you can click on the increase or decrease buttons to change the zoom factor.
You can also drag the slider horizontally to change the text size as it appears on the screen. Word displays the current percentage just to the left of this area.
To the left of the zoom area are five View Icons. These are used to change the current page for display purposes. Simply click on the view you want to switch to. The far left side of this line contains the Status Bar.
This section indicates the current typing position, how many words have currently been entered in the document, and provides information on proofing tools. To make working with multiple documents less confusing, Word displays all opened documents along the taskbar at the very bottom of the screen.
Rather than having to access the Ribbon labeled View to switch between opened windows, you can simply use your mouse to click on the name of the file you want to access directly on the taskbar.
Once selected, that document becomes the active window. Help can be as generic as explaining how to print within the program or as specific as detailing each item within a dialog box. To display help in any of the applications, simply click on this tool located on the far right side of the tabs and just above the Ribbon. When done, press E. Word will search through its help database and replace the current list with a group of topics related to the item you entered.
There are several buttons across the top of the help window: If you have been moving between help topics, click on the back arrow button to return to the previous help topic.
If you have returned to a previous help topic, click on the forward arrow button to display the next topic. If you are viewing a topic online and it is taking a long time to load, click on this button to cancel the help page. Click on this button to refresh the help window. Click on this button to return to the original help topic list.
Click on this button to print the current help topic. A task pane will be opened along the left side of the window, listing all of the help topics and allowing you to scroll through them. Click on this button a second time to close the task pane. Click on this button to keep the current help topic on top. Click on the down arrow beside this button to select the type of help topic you would like displayed.
Click on this button to specify whether you want to search for online help or display only the offline topics that come with MS Word. This comes in handy when a screen lists several choices or perhaps lists various keyboard shortcuts. Click on this tool to print the current help topic. A dialog box containing two tabs will be displayed: The first tab labeled General is divided into three main sections, as discussed below: Select Printer This section is used to select the printer.
There is also a checkbox to print the topic to a file. Print Range Use this section to specify the print range.
Number of copies Sets the number of copies to print. If you are printing more than one copy of a multiple page topic, you can check the Collate box to have Word organize each set of copies for you. There are also two check boxes at the bottom of the this dialog box that allow you to print related linked documents as well as a table that lists the links in the document.
Printing all links will also print any documents referred to via links by the displayed topic. Printing a table of links adds a table at the end of the printout which lists all linked documents.
When done, choose to begin the printing. For example, the SAVE tool is displayed as a 3. To alleviate this problem, Word offers quick mouse assistance on each tool, referred to as ScreenTips. As you point to a tool, Word will display a quick note as to the tool’s function. The main difference between these views is your personal preference as to how you want to work with the document. Each view has its own unique format. You can switch between the views at any time.
It is also possible to zoom in or out of a document to get different perspectives of the same page. The most common view within Word is “Print Layout”. Print Layout can be used to get a more accurate view of the final layout while editing the document. You can change the display mode by either accessing the View Ribbon or using the viewing icons located towards the bottom right of the screen – just above the status bar: Click on this button to switch to Print Layout view.
This display shows the final page layout while still allowing you to edit the document. Headers, footers and all formatting are displayed within this view. Click on this icon to switch to Full Screen Reading Layout view. This view is best when opening simply for reading as it hides most of the screen elements. Click on this icon to switch to Web Layout view. This display is used to create documents for the Internet. Click on this icon to switch to Outline view.
This view allows you to work with large documents – collapsing certain sections while expanding others. Click on this button to switch to Draft view. Headers, footers and most of the formatting are not displayed within this view. If you click on this button located to the right of the viewing icons a dialog box will open whereby you can select a Zoom factor for the text displayed on the screen. Although the screen may appear to be blank, glancing in the upper portion of the screen title bar reminds you that a document is being created.
You may immediately begin typing your file. Remember not to press the E key except at the end of each paragraph! At the moment, our company is on-target to meet its projected earnng estimates but we need the assistance of all of our employees to keep costs down.
Since overtime is one of our most costly expenditures we incur, we espcially want to ask supervisors in each division to keep overtime hours down. Thank yu in addvance for your cooperation. If you click on the button, you will notice two options for saving a document: Save and Save As. Save is the normal save feature which will ask you the first time you save a file to assign a name to it. From that point on, choosing SAVE will simply update the file to include the new information.
On the other hand, Save As saves an existing file under a new name or as a different format to be imported into another program. Click on the Save icon located on the Quick Access Bar.
The first time you save a document, Word provides a dialog box prompting you to enter a file name, as shown below: Letters, numbers and spaces are allowed. Enter characters. This extension is new in version In this latest version of Word using Windows Vista, the address bar is displayed a bit differently, as shown below: Notice the path is displayed horizontally on the bar instead of vertically as was the case in previous versions.
To get to that folder, you had to first choose your computer, then the Data drive W. In the box provided, enter a name for the new file. Letters, numbers and spaces are allowed. If you want to save the document in another format such as another word processing application or any previous version of Word so that someone else can edit the document who does not have this version , click on the down arrow beside the box labeled Save as type and select the format from the list provided.
Enter a name for the document in the box labeled File name and then click on to actually save the document. By comparing words in your file against the dictionary, Word can check your spelling and alert you of possible mistakes. For each word the program cannot find in its dictionary, Word asks what to do. You will be able to choose to change the spelling, suggest alternative words, have the word remain as it is, or add the word to the dictionary.
Word also checks for words that are incorrectly capitalized and for repeated words. The bottom of the dialog box contains suggestions for correcting the flagged word. If the word should remain as it is, select the Ignore Once button. Word also offers the option of Ignore All if the word in question appears throughout the document.
If the word should be added to your custom dictionary for future reference, click on this button. If one of the suggestions is correct, double- click on the correct spelling or highlight the word and choose the Change button. If you are afraid you misspelled a word more than once, click on the Change All button. If both the word and suggestions are incorrect, you can type the correct spelling in yourself since your cursor is already blinking in the top section beside the selected word.
Afterwards, press E or select Change. Use this button to add the word to the AutoCorrect list. In the future, when you misspell this word while typing, Word will automatically correct it – without you having to access the spell checker. Reverses the latest actions made during the current spell checking session.
Check this box to include grammar checking. This box provides a variety of options to customize how the spell checker works.
You can specify whether to suggest and where to get the suggestions and what you want to ignore during the spell checker such as uppercase words or words containing numbers. Click on to add or modify custom dictionaries, such as medical and legal to be used during spell checking. In addition, you can specify grammar options, such as how often to check, and what writing style to use.
Once all options are selected, choose. You will be returned to the original spell checking box where you can continue. After running the spell checker, save your document again. In addition, you can specify which printer to use and how many copies to print. Click on the Office button. Select Print from the Office menu.
The following dialog box will be displayed: The current printer is displayed at the top of the box. Click on the down arrow beside the selected printer to choose another one. You can save the print settings to a file so that you can print at a later time and specify whether multiple copies should be collated. You can also choose to enable the manual duplex option, which allows you to print double-sided by having Word prompt you to turn the paper over once the first side has been printed.
This button allows you to even further specify how the document will be printed. Once all printer options have been set, choose to have Word begin printing the document. Click on the close button in the upper right corner of the window to close the current document. If you only have one document open and you click on this icon, Word will close the entire program. Select Close from the Office menu. NOTE: If you have made changes to the file and have not saved those changes, Word will ask whether you want to save the changes before closing the file.
If, however, you are in the midst of working with one file and then decide to create another document, you will need to instruct Word as to what type of new document you want to create.
You can create a blank document or base the new file on one of the built-in templates that come with Word. A template is used to determine the basic structure of the document and can contain predefined settings, such as fonts, page layouts, graphics, formatting, and macros. Select New from the Office menu. The far left section contains a list of available template categories that you can base your new document on. The middle section lists the templates available within the category you selected from the left side of the window.
The far right section displays a preview of the currently selected template. To preview a template before actually selecting it, click on its name within the middle section of the window and then look to the right side of the window for a preview.
Once you decide which template you would like to use, highlight its name and then choose. The new document will be created – based on the template you have selected. Simply click on the document you want to switch to and that file will become the active window. Doe, I am writing on behalf of my company to thank you for the work your accounting firm did for us last month during our audit. Because of your experience in the matter along with detailed record-keeping on our part, we passed with flying colors.
What could have been a stressful situation turned out to be quite simple. Your firm is largely responsible for that outcome. Thank you again for your assistance. I hope that our companies can continue to do business in the future. Select Open from the Office menu. The following dialog box will be displayed: Along the left side of the dialog box, Word displays the Navigation Pane.
You could then select the folder containing your Word documents. Across the top of the window are the following buttons: Click on this button to access the Organize pull-down menu. From the resulting pull-down list, select the operation e.
To change the display of the files, click on the down arrow beside this button. Click on this button to create a new folder. If you click on the down arrow beside the button, you can choose from a list of options such as opening the file as read- only or in your Web browser.
TIP: To open more than one file at a time, select the first file by clicking on its name once to highlight it. Next, hold the C key down as you click on each additional file to be opened. Once all files have been selected, click on to actually open them. Each file will be placed in its own window. Z Moves one line up. Y Moves one line down. Q Moves one character to the left. R Moves one character to the right. O Displays the previous screenful. N Displays the next screenful.
To scroll through the document using the mouse, click on one of the arrows located on either the horizontal or vertical scroll bar. If you drag the scroll box on the vertical scroll bar up or down, Word will display the current page number to the left of the box.
When you see the desired page, release the mouse button and that page will be displayed. If you are using a mouse with a scroll wheel, roll the rubber wheel located between the [LEFT] and [RIGHT] mouse buttons forward or back to quickly scroll through large documents. NOTE: If you are using the mouse to move through a document, remember that you must click on the new page before the cursor will move to the new location!
The top one moves to the previous page while the bottom icon moves to the next page. Click on this button located between the previous and next page icons to change the method by which the previous and next buttons will navigate through your document. For example, you can set them to move from one graphic picture to another rather than from page to page.
Once you click on the Select Browse Object button, a pop- up box appears: Each icon within this box represents a type of object available within a Word document.
The object you select will be used to browse through the document. For example, if you select the table object, the previous and next buttons will go to the previous or next table within your document. The previous and next buttons change color to blue if you select anything other than page the last icon on the first line of the box as the object.
You can see the description of each icon as your mouse hovers over an icon. If you click on the left side of the status line where the current page number and section are displayed located at the bottom of your screen , Word will ask what page to “Go To”.
Works like a correctable backspace on a typewriter. Line Move the Insertion Bar to the left of a line until it changes to an arrow. Click once. Sentence Hold the F key down and click the mouse button anywhere on the sentence.
Paragraph Move the Insertion Bar to the left of a line until it changes to a pointer arrow. Triple-Clicking on a paragraph also selects it. Any Text Move the Insertion Bar to the beginning of the block you want to delete.
Click and drag. Entire File Move the Insertion Bar to the left of a line until it changes to a pointer arrow. Hold C down and click once. Triple-Clicking on the left side of the screen also selects the entire file. You can also use this button located within the Editing section of the Home Ribbon to select items. The pull-down list includes options for selecting everything within the document, graphic objects, or text with similar formatting. Undo instructs the program to disregard the last action whether it was deleting, copying, or applying format changes.
It is important to understand, however, that certain actions such as printing and saving cannot be undone. Word has the capability of remembering not only the last action performed but the last several. Click on the Undo tool to undo the last action. If you click on the down arrow to the right of the tool , you can scroll through the last several actions. Move your mouse down the list to highlight the number of actions to undo.
They must be done in sequence! Click on this button to redo the last undo. The Redo button shown above changes from Redo to Repeat depending on what action was last performed. This is called formatting. Formatting the text means setting the font and size of the letters, and emphasizing words using such attributes as bold, underline or italics. To format characters you can either use the keyboard or the Home Ribbon. Before typing, turn on the attribute and then begin entering text. When you want to turn the attribute off you press the same key.
Click on this tool to turn bold on and off. Click on this button to turn italics on and off. Click on this tool to turn underline on or off.
Click on the down arrow beside the tool to change the style and color. When you select a block of text, Word displays a semitransparent toolbar called the Mini toolbar. The Mini toolbar helps you work with fonts, font styles, font sizing, alignment, text color, indent levels, and bullet features.
When you see the transparent toolbar appear, simply point to the attribute you want to set and select it with your mouse. To change fonts, you select the new font by its name. Notice how Word displays a sample of each font within the pull-down list so that you can see the font before actually selecting it.
Begin typing your text. NOTE: Notice that Word displays the current theme fonts along with the last few selected fonts at the top of the list for easy access. NOTE: To change existing text, be sure to select the text first and then choose the desired font. If text is selected, as you scroll through the list of available fonts, Word will display the selected text with the currently highlighted font — as a preview.
NOTE: As was the case with attributes, to change existing text, be sure to select the text first and then choose the desired font size. You can also use the following tools both of which are located within the Font section on the Home Ribbon to quickly increase or decrease the font size. Click on this tool to increase the current font size. Click on this tool to decrease the current font size. Select the new margin setting from the list provided.
If you need a margin setting that is not included in this pull-down list, click on Customize Margins…. Select the page orientation from the two diagrams provided. Select the paper size you would like to use. Word is capable of aligning paragraphs, as shown below: Word is automatically set for left alignment. To change the alignment, place your cursor anywhere on the paragraph and select one of the following tools located on the Home Ribbon : Left Aligned Centered Right Aligned Full Justification TIP: Typically the last line of a paragraph is shorter than the rest of the paragraph and may not be justified.
However, if the line is very short, there may be large gaps between words. If you have a shortcut on your desktop, double-click on the Microsoft Office Excel icon to run the application. Although the quickest way of running any MS Office application is obviously through the desktop, you can also access the Start menu which allows you to locate any program available on your system.
You will notice that the program window includes many of the standard elements common to other Office applications as well as a few items that are unique to Excel. The screen can be quite intimidating the first time you see it as there are so many items displayed. Along the top left corner of the screen is the Office Button which provides quick access for creating, opening, saving, printing, preparing, sending, publishing, and closing files.
This button provides the only true menu within Excel The name of current workbook followed by the application name is displayed in the middle of this line. A generic name is given to each new workbook you create Book1. The second line contains a new feature within Excel Each time you press A, Excel displays corresponding letters for the Ribbon items to help you to continue using keyboard shortcuts to select them. Along the right side of the screen is the scroll bar used to quickly move vertically within your workbook.
There is also a horizontal scroll bar that you can use to move left and right through your workbook. As mentioned, columns are lettered and rows are numbered. The first 26 columns are lettered A through Z. Excel then begins lettering the 27th column with AA and so on. In a single Excel worksheet there are 16, columns lettered A-XFD and 1,, rows numbered The highlighted borders around the document window indicate the columns and rows and are used to identify where on the worksheet you are located since you obviously cannot see an entire worksheet of this size on the screen at one time.
The worksheet itself is located to the right and beneath the borders. This is where you will actually be working and entering information. The outlined cell the one with the dark borders within the worksheet is referred to as the active cell. Each cell may contain text, numbers or dates. You can enter up to 32, characters in each cell. Towards the bottom of the worksheet is a small Tab that identifies each sheet within the workbook file.
If there are multiple sheets, you can use the tabs to easily identify what data is stored on each sheet. For example, the top sheet could be “Expenses” and the second sheet could be called “Income”. When you begin a new workbook, the tabs default to being labeled Sheet1, Sheet2, etc.
Along the bottom of the screen is another bar called the Status Bar. This bar is used to display various information about the system and current workbook.
The left corner of this line lists the Mode Indicator which tells you what mode you are currently working in. Just below and to the left of the vertical scroll bar is the Zoom section. Excel displays the current percentage just to the left of this area. To make working with multiple workbooks less confusing, Excel has included a feature which automatically displays all opened workbooks along the taskbar. Rather than having to access the Ribbon labeled View to switch between opened files windows , you can simply use your mouse to click on the name of the file you want to access directly on the taskbar.
Once selected, that file becomes the active window. R Moves pointer right one column. Z Moves pointer up one row. Y Moves pointer down one row. O Moves one full screen up. N Moves one full screen down. You must know the cell address. Click in this box and type in the cell address to go to. You must press E when done. You can also use the vertical down the right and the horizontal along the bottom scroll bars to move.
Drag the box in the scroll bar to move more quickly. The pointer does not move until you click in the cell to move to. Remember to look at the formula bar for the current cell address. If you are using a mouse with a scroll wheel, roll the rubber wheel located between the [LEFT] and [RIGHT] mouse buttons forward or back to quickly scroll through large worksheets. Excel lights up column and row headings as you move from cell to cell. This helps to distinguish the current cell address.
This tool displays Page Layout view. This tool displays Page Break Preview. In addition to the three views discussed above, you can create your own custom views discussed in the advanced manual. A small dialog box will open allowing you to choose from a list of saved views. You can clear the Office menu, tabs and current Ribbon from your screen so that you can see more of your worksheet.
To redisplay the screen items, press X. Click in the cell you want to store the data in and then simply begin typing the word s , number or formula. If you make a mistake and want to start over, press X. Notice as you type, the entry is displayed both in the cell and in the formula bar. A thin, blinking cursor appears to the right of the entry and moves as you type. You cannot use the arrow keys at this time to make corrections!
Pressing an arrow key at this point will enter what you have typed in the cell and then automatically move the pointer in the direction of the arrow key you pressed.
Two symbols also pop up to the left of the formula bar. The X is used like the X key to cancel. When entering text, words are automatically left aligned within the cell while numbers are placed to the right.
While entering columns of numbers, the column heading may not align correctly with the values. If text is wider than the cell it is stored in, it will appear to “spill” into the adjacent cell s , providing they are empty. R Moves the cursor to the right one character. Q Moves the cursor to the left one character.
In those instances it would make sense to delete the contents of the selected cell s. A single cell may contain one or more of the following: Formats Includes fonts, bold, borders surrounding the cell s , as well as, number formats e. Contents The data stored within the cell numbers or text. Comments Can be attached to a cell to explain the reasoning behind its entry e.
These comments are usually not printed. Choose what you want to clear from the pull-down list provided. Click on this tool located towards the top left corner of your screen to undo the last action. Click on this tool located towards the top left corner of your screen to redo the last undo.
While you may not require the entire worksheet, you may need to work on a Block of cells. A block includes any group of cells in a rectangular format, as shown in the illustration below. Every block of cells has a beginning and ending address. The beginning address is the address of the cell in the top-left corner of the block whereas the ending address is the cell in the lower-right.
Normally, in the English language we use a dash to indicate a block of numbers, as in pages Excel, however, requires that you use the colon between the beginning and ending addresses. Remember that the dash represents subtraction in spreadsheet programs. For example, the block C3:E14 refers to cells C3 through E There are many commands e.
The mouse changes to the thick cross when placed in the middle of a cell. Dragging the pointer when it is this shape simply highlights cells. If the mouse is in the shape of a diagonal arrow, you can move the contents of the currently selected cell or block of cells to another location within the worksheet. The mouse changes to a pointer only when the tip of the arrow points to one of the outer borders of the cell block. Dragging the pointer when it is in this shape actually picks up the contents of the cell s and moves them to another location.
If the mouse is in the shape of a thin cross-hair, you can fill a formula or other information into adjacent cells within the worksheet. The mouse pointer changes to a thin cross-hair only when the tip of the arrow is placed in the small square located in the bottom right-corner of a cell. Dragging the pointer when it is in this shape fills data. The pointer’s shape should be a thick cross-hair. Click and drag to highlight. To select an entire column or row, click on the letter of the column or the number of the row.
Hold the S key down and press the arrows to select a block. The entire worksheet will be highlighted. Text will appear to “spill” over into adjacent cells as long as those cells are empty.
If the adjacent cells are not empty, Excel will truncate the text. When entering large numbers, however, Excel will display the number in scientific notation if the column is not wide enough to display the entire number.
However, if you apply formatting such as dollar signs , Excel will automatically adjust the column to fit the largest entry so that the number remains visible. Make sure the mouse pointer is on the column margin line.
The pointer changes to a cross-hair indicating you are on the margin line. In the example above, column F is being stretched to the right. Notice the “cross-hair”. When creating formulas, you may use actual values, cell addresses or a combination of the two.
This also ensures that formulas beginning with a cell address are not mistaken for text. The formula itself is displayed in the formula bar located in the upper-left of the screen next to the cell address.
NOTE: In order to view a formula, you must select the cell in which it is stored. TIP: If you select a group of cells and look at the status bar at bottom of the screen , Excel will display the total sum of the selected cells. However, Excel provides a mathematical function which is used primarily to add blocks of numbers. The last function you chose will be displayed on the button. If you simply click on the button that function will be selected.
To choose a different function, click on the down arrow to the right of the button and then select a new function from the list. Once the function has been selected Excel will display the Function Arguments box, as shown below: The box will display a description of the currently selected function and list the arguments required for the function.
The next required argument will be displayed in bold. This helps guide you through each step properly. Notice as you begin entering the arguments, the palette displays the current result. When you are done, click on to actually enter the function and close the box. This is called the AutoSum feature. The second click is used to confirm the selection. If, by chance, Excel has selected the wrong group of cells, you can highlight the correct block before clicking on the tool a second time.
The pointer should change to a thin cross-hair. When the mouse is released, the formula will be “filled” in all cells. Filling also works for text and numbers without formulas, such as months shown in the example above. Excel’s auto fill feature will fill a block of cells with either numbers or text depending on what is located in the first cell.
As you begin filling the destination cells with months, Excel will display the name of each month as it is being filled so that you know how far to fill. If you only enter a single number and then try to create a fill based on that single cell, Excel will simply copy the number down the worksheet. Once the two cells have been selected, release the mouse button. After selecting the cells to fill, click on this tool located within the Editing section on the Home Ribbon.
A pull-down list of fill options will be displayed: Select the direction of the fill or define the series to use when filling. When you click on this icon, a list of auto fill options is displayed.
The default option is Copy Cells which instructs Excel to copy the data and formatting from the original cell to the destination cells.
ms office powerpoint pdf by Torben Lage Frandsen – PDF Drive
In addition, the new ProSkills boxes and exercises help to reinforce learning by requiring students to apply their skills in real-world situations that integrate soft skills, such as decision making or problem solving, with application skills.
Student learning is further enhanced when using SAM Projects, which automatically grades student work and provides instant feedback that allows students to figure out how to correct mistakes they have made.
All Rights Reserved. May not be copied, scanned, or duplicated, in whole or in part. Editorial review has deemed that any suppressed content does not materially affect the overall learning experience. Cengage Learning reserves the right to remove additional content at any time if subsequent rights restrictions require it. Zimmerman Brigham Young University S.
Due to electronic rights restrictions, some third party content may be suppressed. The publisher reserves the right to remove content from this title at any time if subsequent rights restrictions require it. For valuable information on pricing, previous editions, changes to current editions, and alternate formats, please visit www.
Copyright Cengage Learning. No part of this work covered by the copyright herein may be reproduced, transmitted, stored or used in any form or by any means graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including but not limited to photocopying, recording, scanning, digitizing, taping, Web distribution, information networks, or information storage and retrieval systems, except as permitted under Section or of the United States Copyright Act, without the prior written permission of the publisher.
Course Technology, Cengage Learning is an independent entity from the Microsoft Corporation, and not affiliated with Microsoft in any manner. Disclaimer: Any fictional data related to persons or companies or URLs used throughout this book is intended for instructional purposes only. At the time this book was printed, any such data was fictional and not belonging to any real persons or companies.
Locate your local office at: international. To learn more about Course Technology, visit www. In developing the New Perspectives Series, our goal was to create books that give students the software concepts and practical skills they need to succeed beyond the classroom.
With the New Perspectives Series, students understand why they are learning what they are learning, and are fully prepared to apply their skills to real-life situations. You can also complete the material in this text using another version of Windows 7, such as Home Premium, or earlier versions of the Windows operating system.
You will see only minor differences in how some windows look. The browser used for any steps that require a browser is Internet Explorer 8. The case sets the scene to help students understand what they will do in the tutorial.
Hands-on Approach Each tutorial is divided into manageable sessions that combine reading and hands-on, step-by-step work. Colorful screenshots help guide students through the steps. Visual Overviews New for this edition! Each session begins with a Visual Overview, a new two-page spread that includes colorful, enlarged screenshots with numerous callouts and key term definitions, giving students a comprehensive preview of the topics covered in the session, as well as a handy study guide.
ProSkills boxes provide guidance for how to use the software in realworld, professional situations, and related ProSkills exercises integrate the technology skills students learn with one or more of the following soft skills: decision making, problem solving, teamwork, verbal communication, and written communication.
Important steps are highlighted in yellow with attached margin notes to help students pay close attention to completing the steps correctly and avoid time-consuming rework. Margin Tips Margin Tips provide helpful hints and shortcuts for more efficient use of the software. The Tips appear in the margin at key points throughout each tutorial, giving students extra information when and where they need it. At the end of each session, a series of Quick Check questions helps students test their understanding of the material before moving on.
Colorful bars and brief descriptions accompany the exercises, making it easy to understand both the goal and level of challenge a particular assignment holds. Reference Within each tutorial, Reference boxes appear before a set of steps to provide a succinct summary and preview of how to perform a task.
In addition, a complete Task Reference at the back of the book provides quick access to information on how to carry out common tasks. Go to our Web site or contact your Course Technology sales representative to find out what else we offer. CourseCasts — Learning on the Go. Always available…always relevant. Want to keep up with the latest technology trends relevant to you? Our fast-paced world is driven by technology.
Ken is an expert in the latest technology trends; he gathers and sorts through the most pertinent news and information for CourseCasts so your students can spend their time enjoying technology, rather than trying to figure it out. Open or close your lecture with a discussion based on the latest CourseCast. Instructor Resources We offer more than just a book. Content for Online Learning Course Technology has partnered with the leading distance learning solution providers and class-management platforms today.
To access this material, visit www. Instructor resources include the following: additional case projects, sample syllabi, PowerPoint presentations, and more. For students to access this material, they must have purchased a WebTutor PIN-code specific to this title and your campus platform. The resources for students might include based on instructor preferences : topic reviews, review questions, practice tests, and more.
For additional information, please contact your sales representative. It allows students to train and test on important computer skills in an active, hands-on environment. SAM simulates the Office application environment, allowing students to demonstrate their knowledge and think through the skills by performing real-world tasks, such as bolding text or setting up slide transitions.
Add in livein-the-application projects, and students are on their way to truly learning and applying skills to business-centric documents.
Designed to be used with the New Perspectives Series, SAM includes handy page references, so students can print helpful study guides that match the New Perspectives textbooks used in class. For instructors, SAM also includes robust scheduling and reporting features. Special thanks to Kathy Finnegan, Senior Product Manager, whose leadership on the New Perspectives Series results in such beautiful, high-quality books, and to Kim Crowley, Developmental Editor, whose thoroughness and commitment to quality and accuracy were invaluable.
Finally, I would like to thank Scott and Beverly Zimmerman for the opportunity to work on this book. Their friendship over the years has been important to me, and I have learned a tremendous amount working with them.
Their commitment to excellence is an inspiration. Pinard We would like to thank our co-author, Katherine Pinard, for her diligent and expert work. She has been a joy to work with these past 20 years. We also express our deep-felt thanks to all the editors, marketers, managers, and other workers at Course Technology. It was our honor to author the first book published by Course Technology back in We have loved working with such a vibrant company and have enjoyed seeing its spectacular growth since then.
Thanks to all of you. We dedicate this book to the memory of our daughter, Sheri Lynne Zimmerman Klein OFF 8 Switching Views. OFF 9 Zooming and Scrolling. OFF 9 Using the Ribbon. OFF 11 Clicking Buttons. OFF 17 Working with Files. OFF 18 Saving a File. OFF 19 Closing a File. OFF 22 Opening a File. OFF 24 Getting Help. OFF 26 Printing a File. OFF 28 Exiting Programs. OFF 30 Quick Check. OFF 30 Review Assignments.
PPT 4 Planning a Presentation. PPT 9 Using Themes. PPT 14 Editing Text. PPT 16 Undoing Actions. PPT 21 Rearranging Slides. PPT 25 Deleting Slides. PPT 28 Session 1. PPT 34 Animating Text. PPT 38 Adding Transitions. PPT 50 Session 1. PPT 54 Review Assignments.
PPT 55 Case Problems. PPT 64 Understanding Graphics. PPT 71 Formatting Objects. PPT 80 Session 2. PPT 97 Animating Objects. PPT Animating Graphics. PPT Broadcasting a Presentation. PPT Session 2. PPT Review Assignments. PPT Case Problems. PPT Adding Video.
PPT Trimming a Video. PPT Formatting a Video. PPT Creating a Chart. PPT Modifying a Chart. PPT Animating a Chart. PPT Session 3. PPT Resetting Slides. PPT Adding a Gradient. PPT Session 4. PPT Comparing Presentations. The paint is available in both 1 gallon cans and 5 gallon pails, and comes in colors ranging from white to shades of brown, blue, green, and red.
The demand for affordable recycled paint has been growing each year. The Ribbon is the main set of commands you click to execute tasks. It is organized into tabs and groups. The Ribbon is organized into tabs. Each tab has commands related to particular activities or tasks.
Buttons for related commands are organized on a tab in groups. The buttons in this group can be used to change the appearance of paragraphs. A button, or icon, provides one-click access to a command. This button underlines text. The insertion point shows where characters will appear when you start to type. The workspace is the area that displays the file you are working on a Word document, an Excel workbook, and so on.
The status bar provides information about the program, open file, or current task or selection. It also contains buttons and other controls for working with the file and its content. You can click a program button on the taskbar to switch between open files and programs. A Dialog Box Launcher opens a task pane or dialog box that provides additional options for that group of tasks.
Clicking this Dialog Box Launcher opens the Paragraph dialog box. The sizing buttons resize and close the program window. Excel has a second set that resizes the workspace. The title bar displays the name of the open file and the program. Scrolling moves a different part of the workspace into view. You can drag the scroll box or click a scroll arrow on the scroll bar.
The view buttons change how a file is displayed in the workspace. Zooming magnifies or shrinks the display of content in the workspace. The zoom controls are available in Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.
Other suites are available and can include more or fewer programs. Microsoft Word , or Word, is a computer program you use to enter, edit, and format text. Word, often called a wordprocessing program, offers many special features that help you compose and update all types of documents, ranging from letters and newsletters to reports, brochures, faxes, and even books, in attractive and readable formats.
For example, the Recycled Palette employees create business letters using Word. Microsoft Excel , or Excel, is a computer program you use to enter, calculate, analyze, and present numerical data.
You can do some of this in Word with tables, but Excel provides many more tools for recording and formatting numbers as well as performing calculations. The graphics capabilities in Excel also enable you to display data visually.
Microsoft Access , or Access, is a computer program used to enter, maintain, and retrieve related information or data in a format known as a database. With Access, you can create forms to make data entry easier, and you can create professional reports to improve the readability of your data.
Microsoft PowerPoint , or PowerPoint, is a computer program you use to create a collection of slides that can contain text, charts, pictures, sound, movies, multimedia, and so on.
You can show these presentations on your computer monitor, project them onto a screen as a slide show, print them, share them over the Internet, or display them on the Web. The Recycled Palette marketing department uses a PowerPoint slide presentation to promote its paints. Microsoft Outlook , or Outlook, is a computer program you use to send, receive, and organize email; plan your schedule; arrange meetings; organize contacts; create a to-do list; and record notes.
You can also use Outlook to print schedules, task lists, phone directories, and other documents. Outlook is often referred to as an information management program. The Recycled Palette staff members use Outlook to send and receive email, plan their schedules, and create to-do lists. It also means that team members can effortlessly share Office files. Team members can create files based on their skills and information that can be used by others as needed.
The Word report includes a hyperlink that employees can click to open the Excel workbook and view the original data. Even these few examples of how information from one Office program can be integrated with another illustrate how integration can save time and effort.
Each team member can focus on creating files in the program best suited to convey the information he or she is responsible for.
Yet, everyone can share the files, using them as needed for their specific purpose. Make sure your computer is on and the Windows desktop appears on your screen. If your screen varies slightly from those shown in the figures, your computer might be set up differently. The figures in this book were created while running Windows 7 with the Aero feature turned on, but how your screen looks depends on the version of Windows you are using, the resolution of your screen, and other settings. On the taskbar, click the Start button , and then click All Programs to display the All Programs list.
Click Microsoft Office, and then point to Microsoft Word Depending on how your computer is set up, your desktop and menu might contain different icons and commands. See Figure 1. Figure 1 Start menu with All Programs list displayed your name appears here Office programs click to start Word Trouble? Click Microsoft Word Word starts and a new, blank document opens.
Refer to the Visual Overview to review the common program window elements. Click Microsoft Excel Excel starts and a new, blank workbook opens. See Figure 2. Figure 2 New, blank Excel workbook workbook window sizing buttons horizontal and vertical scroll bars workspace workbook window program buttons on the taskbar view shortcuts zoom controls status bar Trouble?
The taskbar contains buttons for both programs. On the taskbar, point to the Microsoft Word program button. A thumbnail of the open Word document appears. See Figure 3. Click the Document1 – Microsoft Word thumbnail. The active program switches from Excel to Word. Exploring Common Window Elements As you can see, many elements in both the Word and Excel program windows are the same. Resizing the Program Window and Workspace Excel has two sets of sizing buttons.
The top set controls the program window and the bottom set controls the workspace. The Minimize button , which is the left button, hides a window so that only its program button is visible on the taskbar. On the Word title bar, click the Minimize button.
The Word program window is reduced to a taskbar button. The Excel program window is visible again. On the Excel title bar, click the Maximize button to expand the Excel pro- gram window to fill the screen, if necessary. The workspace is resized smaller than the full program window. See Figure 4. On the workbook window, click the Maximize button. The workspace expands to fill the program window. On the taskbar, click the Microsoft Word program button. The Word program window returns to its previous size.
On the Word title bar, click the Maximize button if necessary to expand the Word program to fill the screen. Switching Views You can quickly switch between views using the view buttons on the status bar or options on the View tab on the Ribbon. In Word, for example, Print Layout view shows how the document would appear as a printed page, whereas Web Layout view shows how the document would appear as a Web page.
Zooming and Scrolling You can zoom in to get a closer look at the content of an open document, worksheet, slide, or database report. Likewise, you can zoom out to see more of the content at a smaller size. The zoom percentage can range from 10 percent to percent Excel and PowerPoint or percent Word. Zooming can shift part of the workspace out of view. To change which area of the workspace is visible in the program window, you can use the scroll bars. Need more help?
Expand your skills. Get new features first. Was this information helpful? Yes No. Thank you! This template is best when you need to prepare…. It also contains various PNG images and shapes so you can make various expressions. Successful Hiker PowerPoint Templates are designed as a mountain hiker with several peaks in the background.
Remove the footer text box from the handout master by unchecking the Footer check box in the Placeholders group. Close the Handout Master view, and then save and close the file.
PowerPoint is now performing a lot of the tedious groundwork involved in creating professional-looking presentations for you.
This leaves you free to focus on crafting your message. What are some potential pitfalls you may encounter when using templates to create your presentations? A: Answers will vary, but relying on templates too much can make for repetitive presentations that lack originality.
Although templates are great for quickly creating presentations that have a consistent look, the content is still the most important element of a great presentation. What are some of the considerations that should go into creating an effective design template? A: Answers will vary, but will likely include visual appeal, consistency with organizational branding, flexibility of use, and the ability to use the template for a long period of time without it seeming dated.
Proactively encourage remote students to respond. Lesson 2: Customizing Design Templates. Complex processes and high-level concepts are often difficult to communicate to an audience.
You typically have a limited amount of time to conduct a presentation. As such, presenters have often relied on diagrams, flow charts, and other visual representations to make difficult subject matter clear and easy to digest in short periods of time.
The down side of these visuals has traditionally been that they are difficult and time consuming to produce, often requiring the assistance of graphic designers. PowerPoint includes a robust set of tools that make creating and modifying custom diagrams quick and easy. Becoming familiar with the on-board diagramming tools in PowerPoint will save you valuable development time, and free up precious time during your presentation by allowing you to simplify complex information.
You must decide what shapes to include, how to size and format them, and how to arrange them on the slide so they make sense. You may know what you would like to communicate, but be unsure of how to say it visually. So, how do you go about designing and building your graphic?
The SmartArt tools within PowerPoint give you a vast array of options for creating graphics that are well suited to a variety of needs. Understanding how to insert SmartArt into your presentations and how to decide which layout to use will save you countless hours of tedious formatting, not to mention a lot of frustration. SmartArt Graphics SmartArt Graphics SmartArt graphics are visual representations of textual content that typically represent a process, a cycle, a hierarchy, or relationships.
You can create SmartArt from existing text or build a graphic from scratch. Note: The individual elements of SmartArt graphics are known as shapes. This can be confusing as they share a name with the shapes you can add as a formattable text box.
From this point on, the term shapes will refer to the shapes you can add as a text box, and the term SmartArt shapes will refer to the elements of a SmartArt graphic. Figure An example of a SmartArt graphic. The Choose a SmartArt Graphic dialog box also displays a preview and a description of the layout you select. You can display the Text pane whenever a SmartArt graphic is selected by using the control. SmartArt Categories There are eight categories of SmartArt graphics, each including a number of specific layouts, included with PowerPoint The particular layout you need to use is determined by the type of content you need to present.
You can download additional SmartArt templates from Office. Lists are ideal for content such as bulleted lists. Information that needs to be shown in sequential order, such as a process or procedure. A continuous process, such as an annual performance-review system or yearly sales cycles. Steps in a decision process or an organizational chart. How various elements of a system interconnect with each other. How various elements of a system relate to the system as a whole.
Content as a combination of text and graphics. As you reviewed the presentation, you noticed that one of the slides had a lot of text but no graphics.
You want the communications release to be more energetic, so you decide to convert the text on that slide into SmartArt to liven up the presentation. Convert the text to a SmartArt graphic. Check in with students as they convert the text to SmartArt. Encourage screen sharing for successes or challenges. Add text to the SmartArt graphic.
However, you will likely find, from time to time, that you need to customize your SmartArt graphics to create the exact diagram you need. PowerPoint gives you a high level of control over the formatting and style options that you can apply to the SmartArt graphics in your presentation. Understanding how to use these style and formatting options will give you the flexibility to create complex diagrams that look great and blend well with other elements in your presentation.
Figure The SmartArt Tools contextual tab. The Design tab is divided into four functional groups. Selecting or modifying the layout of your SmartArt graphic. Applying effects to and modifying the color scheme of SmartArt graphics. Discarding all formatting changes to SmartArt graphics, and converting SmartArt graphics to shapes or text. The Format Tab The Format tab contains commands you will use to modify the structure of your SmartArt graphics, as well as certain formatting and style commands.
The Format tab is divided into five functional groups. Modifying fills, outlines, and effects for SmartArt shapes. Applying or modifying WordArt styles to text in SmartArt graphics. Placing SmartArt graphics in front of or behind other on-screen objects. Scaling or resizing SmartArt graphics. The Selection and Visibility Pane Arranging objects on your slides can be a bit tricky, especially when you have many on-screen elements that overlap in multiple locations on your slides.
The Selection and Visibility pane allows you to view the order in which objects appear on your slides and rearrange those objects quickly and easily. The Selection and Visibility Pane Ask the students to discuss a time they may have struggled to arrange objects on screen.
Would the Selection and Visibility pane have been helpful? Encourage remote students to respond via chat or the whiteboard if such tools are available. Sentence Hold the F key down and click the mouse button anywhere on the sentence. Paragraph Move the Insertion Bar to the left of a line until it changes to a pointer arrow.
Triple-Clicking on a paragraph also selects it. Any Text Move the Insertion Bar to the beginning of the block you want to delete. Click and drag. Entire File Move the Insertion Bar to the left of a line until it changes to a pointer arrow.
Hold C down and click once. Triple-Clicking on the left side of the screen also selects the entire file. You can also use this button located within the Editing section of the Home Ribbon to select items. The pull-down list includes options for selecting everything within the document, graphic objects, or text with similar formatting. Undo instructs the program to disregard the last action whether it was deleting, copying, or applying format changes.
It is important to understand, however, that certain actions such as printing and saving cannot be undone. Word has the capability of remembering not only the last action performed but the last several. Click on the Undo tool to undo the last action. If you click on the down arrow to the right of the tool , you can scroll through the last several actions. Move your mouse down the list to highlight the number of actions to undo. They must be done in sequence! Click on this button to redo the last undo.
The Redo button shown above changes from Redo to Repeat depending on what action was last performed. This is called formatting. Formatting the text means setting the font and size of the letters, and emphasizing words using such attributes as bold, underline or italics. To format characters you can either use the keyboard or the Home Ribbon. Before typing, turn on the attribute and then begin entering text.
When you want to turn the attribute off you press the same key. Click on this tool to turn bold on and off. Click on this button to turn italics on and off. Click on this tool to turn underline on or off. Click on the down arrow beside the tool to change the style and color.
When you select a block of text, Word displays a semitransparent toolbar called the Mini toolbar. The Mini toolbar helps you work with fonts, font styles, font sizing, alignment, text color, indent levels, and bullet features. When you see the transparent toolbar appear, simply point to the attribute you want to set and select it with your mouse. To change fonts, you select the new font by its name. Notice how Word displays a sample of each font within the pull-down list so that you can see the font before actually selecting it.
Begin typing your text. NOTE: Notice that Word displays the current theme fonts along with the last few selected fonts at the top of the list for easy access. NOTE: To change existing text, be sure to select the text first and then choose the desired font. If text is selected, as you scroll through the list of available fonts, Word will display the selected text with the currently highlighted font — as a preview.
NOTE: As was the case with attributes, to change existing text, be sure to select the text first and then choose the desired font size. You can also use the following tools both of which are located within the Font section on the Home Ribbon to quickly increase or decrease the font size. Click on this tool to increase the current font size.
Click on this tool to decrease the current font size. Select the new margin setting from the list provided. If you need a margin setting that is not included in this pull-down list, click on Customize Margins….
Select the page orientation from the two diagrams provided. Select the paper size you would like to use.
Word is capable of aligning paragraphs, as shown below: Word is automatically set for left alignment. To change the alignment, place your cursor anywhere on the paragraph and select one of the following tools located on the Home Ribbon : Left Aligned Centered Right Aligned Full Justification TIP: Typically the last line of a paragraph is shorter than the rest of the paragraph and may not be justified. However, if the line is very short, there may be large gaps between words. If you have a shortcut on your desktop, double-click on the Microsoft Office Excel icon to run the application.
Although the quickest way of running any MS Office application is obviously through the desktop, you can also access the Start menu which allows you to locate any program available on your system. You will notice that the program window includes many of the standard elements common to other Office applications as well as a few items that are unique to Excel.
The screen can be quite intimidating the first time you see it as there are so many items displayed. Along the top left corner of the screen is the Office Button which provides quick access for creating, opening, saving, printing, preparing, sending, publishing, and closing files.
This button provides the only true menu within Excel The name of current workbook followed by the application name is displayed in the middle of this line. A generic name is given to each new workbook you create Book1. The second line contains a new feature within Excel Each time you press A, Excel displays corresponding letters for the Ribbon items to help you to continue using keyboard shortcuts to select them.
Along the right side of the screen is the scroll bar used to quickly move vertically within your workbook. There is also a horizontal scroll bar that you can use to move left and right through your workbook.
As mentioned, columns are lettered and rows are numbered. The first 26 columns are lettered A through Z. Excel then begins lettering the 27th column with AA and so on. In a single Excel worksheet there are 16, columns lettered A-XFD and 1,, rows numbered The highlighted borders around the document window indicate the columns and rows and are used to identify where on the worksheet you are located since you obviously cannot see an entire worksheet of this size on the screen at one time.
The worksheet itself is located to the right and beneath the borders. This is where you will actually be working and entering information. The outlined cell the one with the dark borders within the worksheet is referred to as the active cell. Each cell may contain text, numbers or dates. You can enter up to 32, characters in each cell.
Towards the bottom of the worksheet is a small Tab that identifies each sheet within the workbook file. If there are multiple sheets, you can use the tabs to easily identify what data is stored on each sheet.
When you begin a new workbook, the tabs default to being labeled Sheet1, Sheet2, etc. Along the bottom of the screen is another bar called the Status Bar. This bar is used to display various information about the system and current workbook. The left corner of this line lists the Mode Indicator which tells you what mode you are currently working in.
Just below and to the left of the vertical scroll bar is the Zoom section. Excel displays the current percentage just to the left of this area. To make working with multiple workbooks less confusing, Excel has included a feature which automatically displays all opened workbooks along the taskbar. Rather than having to access the Ribbon labeled View to switch between opened files windows , you can simply use your mouse to click on the name of the file you want to access directly on the taskbar.
Once selected, that file becomes the active window. R Moves pointer right one column. Z Moves pointer up one row.
[PDF] Microsoft PowerPoint free tutorial for Beginners – Item Preview
In the Slide pane, position the pointer on top of the third bullet so that the pointer changes to , and then click. All of the text in the third bulleted item is selected. Position the pointer on top of the third bullet so it again changes to , and then drag down without releasing the mouse button. A horizontal line follows the pointer as you drag.
On the Quick Access Toolbar, click the Undo button arrow. A list of recent actions appears in a menu. Figure Undo button arrow Undo button menu most recent action list of recent actions; yours might differ text dragged in most recent action Copyright Cengage Learning. Without clicking, move the pointer down over the list. The actions you point to are highlighted. You could click any action in this list to undo it and all the actions above it.
You need to undo just the most recent action, which is the Move Text action at the top of the list. You can click the top action, but you can also undo the most recent action by simply clicking the Undo button.
Press the Esc key to close the menu without taking any action, and then click the Undo button. Sandra wants you to copy text from Slide 3 to Slide 4. To do this, you will place the copied text on the Clipboard, a temporary storage area on which text or other objects are stored when you cut or copy them. To copy text, you select it, and then use the Copy command to place a copy of it on the Clipboard so that you can paste it somewhere else.
If you want to move text from one location and paste it somewhere else, you cut it—that is, remove it from the original location and place it on the Clipboard using the Cut command.
Note that this is different from pressing the Delete or Backspace key to delete text. Deleted text is not placed on the Clipboard. In the Clipboard group, click the Paste button.
The text you copied is pasted at the location of the insertion point, and the Paste Options button below and to the right of the pasted text. Click the Paste Options button. The Paste Options menu opens with four buttons on it. These buttons are described in Figure The Paste Options menu buttons change depending on what is on the Clipboard to be pasted. Point to but do not click each of the buttons in the Paste Options menu to see the ScreenTip associated with it and to see a Live Preview of the effect of clicking each button.
In this case, the only button that changes the way the text is pasted is the Picture button. The default option, Use Destination Theme, is the best choice. Click anywhere on the slide to close the Paste Options button menu without selecting anything. The Paste Options button remains on the screen until you click another command or start typing. You can also click the Paste button arrow in the Clipboard group to access the Paste Options buttons before you paste the text. For example, if you accidentally type teh instead of the, as soon as you press the spacebar or the Enter key, AutoCorrect changes it to the.
When AutoCorrect changes a word, the AutoCorrect symbol appears. You can point to the symbol so that it changes to the AutoCorrect Options button, and then click the button to undo the AutoCorrection or instruct AutoCorrect to stop making that particular type of correction. When you do this, you will see AutoCorrect in use. Position the pointer on top of the AutoCorrect symbol so that it changes to the , and then click the AutoCorrect Options button AutoCorrect Options button.
The AutoCorrect Options menu appears. Because the correction made was to change the capitalization, the top two choices allow you to undo the automatic capitalization or to tell AutoCorrect to stop auto-capitalizing the first letter of sentences. Click anywhere on the slide to close the menu without selecting a command. Now you will add a word to the slide title and use AutoCorrect to correct a misspelling. Press the spacebar.
Press the Esc key to close the menu without selecting a command. Sandra examines the presentation, and asks you to make a few more edits. Working in the Outline tab allows you to see the outline of the entire presentation, not just the text of the single slide currently displayed in the Slide pane. When you view the outline in the Outline tab, you see only the text of the slide titles and the text in content placeholders; you do not see any graphics on the slides or any text that is not in a content placeholder.
The Slide pane still displays the currently selected slide as usual. In the left pane, click the Outline tab. The outline of the presentation appears. Slide 4 still appears in the Slide pane. In the Outline tab, click the Slide 8 slide icon. All the text on Slide 8 is selected in the Outline tab, and Slide 8 appears in the Slide pane. Notice that the italicized text at the bottom of the slide in the Slide pane does not appear in the Outline tab.
This text was added in a special text box that is not part of the content text box. If the slide in the Slide pane is too large to fit in the window, click on the right end of the status bar. Slide titles are the top levels in the outline, and the slide content—that is, the bulleted lists—are indented below the slide titles. You can use the Outline tab to see the outline of the entire presentation and easily move text around. In the Outline tab, click the Slide 4 slide icon.
The text on Slide 4 is selected in the Outline tab, and Slide 4 appears in the Slide pane. Figure Outline tab , and then click. The selected first-level bulleted item is indented and becomes a second-level bulleted item. The selected items are indented and become second-level bullets. The name of the button you clicked in the Paragraph group, the Increase List Level button, is a little confusing.
So when you change something from a second-level heading to a third-level heading by indenting it, you are increasing its level number from 2 to 3. That is why you click the Increase List Level button to indent an item in the Outline tab. You can also click the Decrease List Level button in the Paragraph group on the Home tab to promote an item. The selected text becomes the new Slide 4.
If you need to move items from one slide to another, it is usually easier to do this in the Outline tab. Press and hold the left mouse button, and then drag the bulleted item down so that the horizontal line indicating the position of the item you are dragging appears below the second bulleted item in Slide 4, as shown in Figure With the horizontal line positioned below the second bulleted item in Slide 4, release the mouse button.
The item is moved from Slide 3 to be the last item on Slide 4. Notice that the moved item also appears on Slide 4 in the Slide pane. Written Communication: Including Contact Information in a Presentation A presentation should usually include contact information so that audience members know how to contact the presenter.
In a sales presentation, the contact information might be more general, describing how to contact the company. If the presenter is not the only contact person at the company, or not the best contact person, include information about other people—sales representatives, marketing personnel, accountants, or other employees. Depending on your needs, you can do this in the Slides or Outline tab in Normal view or in Slide Sorter view.
Slide Sorter view displays all the slides in the presentation as thumbnails. This view not only provides you with a good overview of your presentation, but also allows you to easily change the order of the slides. In the left pane, click the Slides tab. The slide thumbnails appear. In the Slides tab, drag the scroll box up to the top of the vertical scroll bar.
In the Slides tab, drag the Slide 2 thumbnail down until the horizontal line following the pointer is between Slides 8 and 9, as shown in Figure With the horizontal line between Slides 8 and 9, release the mouse button. On the status bar, click the Slide Sorter button. The presentation appears in Slide Sorter view.
A thick colored frame appears around the Slide 8 thumbnail indicating that the slide is selected. If necessary, on the Zoom slider on the right end of the status bar, click the Zoom to change the zoom level until you can see all nine slides arranged Out button with four slides in the first two rows and Slide 9 in the last row.
Release the mouse button. On the status bar, click the Normal button to return to Normal view. You could also doubleclick any slide thumbnail in Slide Sorter view to return to the previous view with the slide you clicked as the current slide. You can also cut or copy and then paste slides, just as you did with text on a slide.
In the Slides tab, drag the scroll box up to the top of the scroll bar so that you can see Slide 2 in the Slides tab, and then click the Slide 2 thumbnail. Be sure to click the slide thumbnail before you click the Cut button. In the Clipboard group on the Home tab, click the Cut button.
The Advantages slide is removed from the presentation and placed on the Clipboard. Now you need to select the slide after which you want the slide you cut to appear. In the Slides tab, click the Slide 5 thumbnail. In the Clipboard group on the Home tab, click the Paste button. The Advantages slide is pasted after Slide 5 as a new Slide 6. Deleting Slides When creating a presentation, you will sometimes need to delete slides. In the Slides tab, click the Slide 7 thumbnail.
In the Slides tab, right-click Slide 7. A shortcut menu appears. On the shortcut menu, click Delete Slide. Save your changes. Now that you have created and edited a presentation, you are ready to run the slide show. You can run the slide show in both Slide Show view and in Reading view. As the presenter, when you switch to Slide Show view, you need to advance the slide show; that is, you need to do something to display the next slide.
You will see these methods when you examine the presentation in Slide Show view. Slide 1 appears on the screen in Slide Show view. You could also press the F5 key to start the slide show from Slide 1. Now you need to advance the slide show. Using the keyboard, you can press the key, or the Page Down key. Slide 2 appears on the screen. Press the Enter key to move to Slide 3. You can also use the mouse to move from one slide to another. Click the left mouse button.
To move to the previous screen, you can press the the Page Up key, or the Backspace key. Slide 3 appears again. Right-clicking the mouse opens a shortcut menu. The shortcut menu allows you to jump to specific slides. Right-click anywhere on the screen to display a shortcut menu.
On the shortcut menu, point to Go to Slide, and then click 6 Advantages. Right-click anywhere on the screen, and then on the shortcut menu, click Last Viewed. A very faint toolbar appears in the loweror Previous left corner. On this toolbar, you can click the Next button to move to the next or previous slide, or click the Slide Show menu to open the same menu that appears when you right-click on the slide. On the toolbar, click the Next button. As noted at the top of the screen, the black screen indicates the end of the slide show.
Use any method for moving to the next slide to close Slide Show view. The presentation appears in Normal view again.
Click the File tab to display Backstage view, and then click the Close command in the navigation bar to close the presentation. Reading view is very similar to Slide Show view. The Menu button on the status bar, similar to the Slide Show menu button on the Slide Show toolbar in Slide Show view, displays a menu that contains navigation commands as well as commands to copy and print the slide.
The Menu button menu also contains the Edit Slides command; clicking this returns you to the previous view so you can edit your presentation. The view buttons also appear on the status bar in Reading view. Figure shows Slide 1 of the Sales Updated presentation in Reading view. You use the same techniques for moving through the slide show in Reading view as you do in Slide Show view. You cannot edit the presentation in Reading view. What is the name of the view that displays the slide thumbnails or presentation outline in a tab on the left, the slides in a Slide pane, and speaker notes below the Slide pane?
What is a placeholder? What is a layout? What does AutoFit do? You can rearrange slides in the Slides tab, but not in the Outline tab. Describe Reading view. The Animation gallery contains animations you can choose. Use buttons on the Animations tab to apply animations, which are special effects applied to an object, such as a graphic or a bulleted list, that makes the object move. Click the Start arrow to change whether an animation starts when you advance the slide show On Click , when the previous item animates With Previous , or automatically after the previous item animates After Previous.
Click the More button to open the gallery of animations. This bulleted item is animating by flying in from the bottom of the slide. Click the Preview button on the Transitions tab or the Play Animations icon in the Slides tab to preview transitions.
The Transition gallery contains transitions that you can choose. Click the More button to open the gallery of transitions. Click the Apply To All button to apply a selected transition to all the slides in the presentation. You can treat an ordinary PowerPoint presentation as a template by opening it, and then saving it with a new name using the Save As command.
When you use this command, you open a copy of the presentation, leaving the original presentation untouched. Sandra developed a text presentation to show to potential investors to raise capital for her business. She would like you to animate the text on the slides; however, she wants you to work on a copy of the presentation so that she can refer to her original version.
If you took a break after the previous session, start PowerPoint. Click the File tab, and then click the New tab in the navigation bar. Backstage view changes to display the New tab. Figure The New tab in Backstage view click the Home button to return to this screen content available on your computer or network click to open the New from Existing Presentation dialog box New tab categories of templates and slides available on Office. In the Home section, click New from existing. The New from Existing Presentation dialog box opens.
This dialog box is similar to the Open dialog box. If you clicked one of the other commands in the center pane, you can return to the list of commands for creating a new presentation by clicking the Home button at the top of the Home section of the New tab. The Open button in the dialog box changes to the Create New button. Click the Create New button. The Plan presentation opens. Now you can save it. As you work with this presentation, you might notice a few spelling errors. You will fix these errors later in this session.
This is to ensure that any changes you might have made to the theme in the original presentation are maintained in the new presentation. Next, Sandra wants you to add special animation effects to the slide text.
Animating Text Animations add interest to a slide show and draw attention to the text or object being animated. When you apply an animation to text, you are applying it to all the text in the text box. If you animate a bulleted list, the default is for the items to appear using progressive disclosure, an animation process in which bulleted items appear one at a time.
When you choose an animation, keep the purpose of your presentation and your audience in mind. These types of presentations should be more conservative. Sandra wants you to add an animation effect to the slide titles in her presentation. Remember that this presentation is for banks and potential investors. While you want to capture their attention, you should not select an animation that appears frivolous, such as one that makes the text bounce or spin onto the screen.
The commands on the Animations tab appear on the Ribbon; however the animations in the Animations groups are grayed out, indicating they are not available. This is because nothing is selected on the slide. In the Slide pane, click anywhere on the title text. The animations in the Animation group darken to indicate that they are now available. All of the animations currently visible in the Animations group are entrance animations.
You can also click the Add Animation button in the Advanced Animation group to open the Animations gallery. In the Animation group, point to the Fly In button. Live Preview shows the slide title flying in from the bottom of the slide. In the Animation group, click the More button. The Animation gallery opens. Animations gallery open on the Animations tab scroll down to see Exit and Motion Paths animations Emphasis section Brush Color animation click any of these commands to see additional animations Copyright Cengage Learning.
In the Emphasis section, click the Brush Color button. The gallery closes and the animation previews in the Slide pane by changing the color of the slide title to red, brushing the new color from left to right. You can preview the animation again if you missed it.
In the Slides tab, under the Slide 2 slide number, click the Play Animations icon. The slide title animates on the slide again. After the preview is finished, notice the number 1 to the left of the slide title.
This indicates that this is the first animation that will occur on the slide. In the Timing group on the Animation tab, the Start box displays the option On Click, indicating that this animation will occur when you advance the slide show.
Now you need to apply the same animation to all the slide titles in the presentation. Learn how to work with worksheets by reading this article. You do not have to register for expensive classes and travel from one part of town to another to take classes. All you need to do is download the course and open the PDF file. This specific program is classified in the PowerPoint category where you can find some other similar courses.
Thanks to people like you? Who share their knowledge, you can discover the extent of our being selected to easily learn without spending a fortune! Microsoft PowerPoint advanced.
But also many other tutorials are accessible just as easily! You should come see our PowerPoint documents. Add an image to the slide layout. Save the presentation as a template. Select File Close. Removing the background from an image is performed by selecting Picture Tools contextual tab Adjust Remove Background. Encourage students who remember how to use this feature to share their screens and demonstrate the procedure.
PowerPoint will sometimes default to the hidden Microsoft Templates folder when you save presentations as a template. Ensure the students are saving this template to the data files folder for this lesson. However, there are some types of information you may wish to include on all slides, or in all of your printed materials, such as the presentation date or page numbers.
But manually numbering pages or entering the same information on all of the slides in your presentation is simply a waste of time. PowerPoint gives you a number of options for automatically including such information on all of your slides or in your printed materials.
By adding headers or footers to your presentation, you can automatically include important information where you need it without wasting effort performing repetitious tasks. Footers and Headers Headers and Footers Encourage the students to think creatively about designing templates.
The answer: Include footers on the slides, but move them to the top of the slide layouts. Footers are small content placeholders that can appear along the bottom of slides, handouts, and note pages. Footers can contain information such as the name of the presenter, the date of the presentation, or page numbers.
You can also add images to footers and configure them as shapes. Headers are similar to footers, except they appear along the top of the page. Headers can appear on printed materials such as handouts and notes pages, but they do not display on slides. Although you can add headers and footers to individual slides and pages, you can also add them in the slide master or the layout masters to apply them to all slides or pages just like other template elements. Figure Footers can appear on all materials; headers do not appear on slides.
The commands are divided between two tabs: the Slide tab and the Notes and Handouts tab. The Slide tab allows you to add and configure footers only. You can access the Header and Footer dialog box from the Text group on the Insert tab. You feel this will help standardize the look of all presentations your team develops.
Add footers to the slides. Note: Remember that the slide master is the top thumbnail in the left pane that is also larger than the thumbnails below it. Make sure that is what you are selecting and not one of the slide layouts. Verify that the footer and slide number are displayed on the slides. Add headers to the notes pages and other handouts. Use Print Preview to verify the headers appear on printed materials.
Organizations mindful of budgetary and environmental concerns may wish to use as little paper as possible when printing materials. Your audience may have a need for more space to take notes, or larger images for easier viewing.
Whatever the reason, it would be far easier to make changes to all of the pages in your printed materials at once than to format each page manually. The notes and handout masters in PowerPoint give you a similar level of control over your printed materials as slide layouts and slide masters give you over your slides.
Taking a few moments to configure your printed materials ahead of time can pay off in saved time and effort, and by saving paper and its associated cost. The Notes Master The Notes Master The notes master is to your notes pages what slide masters are to the slides in your presentation.
Notes masters determine the placement, orientation, formatting, and styles of the content on your notes pages. You can access the notes master from the Master Views group on the View tab. The Handout Master Much like the notes master does for your notes pages, the handout master determines the placement, formatting, and styles for the content on your handouts. You can also set the number of slides that are displayed per page in your handouts.
You can access the handout master from the Master Views group on the View tab. They consistently tell you that the notes pages are difficult to read for presenters, and that there are too many slides per page on the handouts for audience members to take notes.
You decide to use the notes master and the handout master in your template to make global changes to all printed materials. Decrease the size of the slide image on the notes pages. Increase the size of the notes text placeholder on the notes master by dragging the top-center sizing handle up until it is close to the slide image. Increase the default size of notes text on the notes pages.
Remove the footer text box from the notes master. Change the default number of slides displayed per page from six to three.
Remove the footer text box from the handout master by unchecking the Footer check box in the Placeholders group. Close the Handout Master view, and then save and close the file. PowerPoint is now performing a lot of the tedious groundwork involved in creating professional-looking presentations for you. This leaves you free to focus on crafting your message. What are some potential pitfalls you may encounter when using templates to create your presentations? A: Answers will vary, but relying on templates too much can make for repetitive presentations that lack originality.
Although templates are great for quickly creating presentations that have a consistent look, the content is still the most important element of a great presentation. Search Keywords: backlit,…. Blue Sky Colors can give you a sense of cleanliness and trust. Search Keywords: airplane,…. Download the free eBook Word Introduction. Download the free eBook PowerPoint Advanced.
Download the free eBook Excel Advanced. Download the free eBook Outlook Part I. When you send a color presentation that was created in Microsoft PowerPoint to Microsoft Word, and if the presentation is in “Black and White” or “Grayscale” view, the slide images in Word appear in color. In earlier versions of PowerPoint, slides that are sent to Word in Grayscale view appear in black and white. To work around this problem, change the color scheme of your presentation to grayscale before you send the presentation to Word.
To do this, follow these steps, as appropriate for the version of PowerPoint that you are running. Repeat steps 4 and 5 for the other scheme colors until the preview represents the grayscale appearance that you want. Then, click Apply.