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Windows 10 network discovery not finding all computers free download

All are running windows 10 with the latest updates. All have Network Discovery turned on. I’m NOT using homegroup. However, depending on which system I’m using I have different views of which computers I see. Why doesn’t any computer on my network see all the other computers? I’ve searched the internet for solutions, so far nothing has helped or I’ve implemented the suggestions incorrectly.
I implemented this to ensure that when someone is visiting I must give them the ID and PW to access my shared drives. Was this reply helpful? Yes No. Sorry this didn’t help. Thanks for your feedback. The Sony did not have SMB 1. On each PC I checked the services and made various changes on each system. I got a error. Now when I use the file manager to view the network I see the media server on some of the system.
All the other systems still have the same view with respect to the computers on my network. Thanks, but my pc desktop computer Dell has not updated to windows 10 but is asking key to install the windows which is the product key.
Best Regard. Interesting that different versions or builds on the system and when I check for updates all report no updates available. Choose where you want to search below Search Search the Community.
Search the community and support articles Windows Windows 10 Search Community member. This thread is locked. You can follow the question or vote as helpful, but you cannot reply to this thread.
I have the same question Report abuse. Details required :. Cancel Submit. At the command prompt, type services. Find each of the services in the list below. If the services were not started, start them up. Computer Browser Browser b. Network Connections NetMan e.
How satisfied are you with this reply? Thanks for your feedback, it helps us improve the site. Hi Gary, much thanks for the help. Hi, What version of windows 10 are the computers on as of the moment? Press and hold windows key and R key to open up run command and type in winver Please make sure that the system is currently up to date. Make sure that your system is currently up to date or has any pending updates 1. Go to start menu and open settings with the gear icon 2. Open Updates and security settings 3.
Choose Windows update 4. Click on check for updates. In reply to jgt’s post on December 22, Thanks for your respond but how can I have the key to reinstall the windows in my computer that’s question. KMT-Dell – build Ops, it just finished and I need to reboot. I’ll create another post after the reboot.
In reply to jgt’s post on December 23, S4 – build This site in other languages x.
Fixed: My Computer Not Showing up on Network Windows 10 – Additional menu
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